Communism… Alive and Well?


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Communism… Alive and Well?

Written by JB Williams


Despite the fall of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall, Communism is alive and well in the most unlikely places. It’s thriving in the hearts and minds of blind Party loyalists today. Most of them are unaware that blind Party loyalty is the core design of Communism. It’s the means by which people are driven to look past truth, common sense and personal thought, and walk the line of collective thought.

While the media and consequently most Americans, focus their attention on the war against terrorists, (better described as a war on jihad), the doctrine of Marx springs forth from the deeply rooted and fertile ground of anti-Americanism.............................................

You first need to understand the basic history and ideology behind communism. In short, it is the union philosophy, collective bargaining practices applied to everyday life, instead of just at the workplace. The idea that all men have the same economic worth, regardless of individual ambition, work habits, contribution, or choices, a Right to the same results, regardless of the differences in their efforts.

These ideas incorporate all inclusive social engineering, whereby all ideas, lifestyles, moral or immoral behaviors have equal merit, equal status, and all doctrines of individualism are set aside in favor of a supposed collective interest.....................................................

No communist country has ever been able to feed itself long term, ultimately collapsing under the weight of its own lack of productivity which always results in a lack of resources.

This is the reason America was designed to be a society which protects the Rights of the individual over the collective group or groups. (Voting blocks).......................................................Much More At,
The commies are coming, the commies are coming!!!!!


If your head wasn't up your ass commie, you'd know your progressive, socialist, collectivist communist ideological brain-dead stupidity is America's political agenda and majority insanity in today's world. You've been duped moron! You and the rest of the duopoly's suckered followers are America's fatal problem. But you'll soon become very aware of that.
"Canada Free Press is a wingnut "news" and commentary website that appears to be a Canadian version of WorldNutzDaily, except somehow even crazier."

Now why would anybody think the fucking duped communist would say anything different?

All you have to do to be relevant commie is produce a rational argument debunking the OP. Oh! That's right you don't have the intellect to make rational responses because your halfwit brain is programmed by the commies, most of which ran down your momma's leg, huh commie?
Now why would anybody think the fucking duped communist would say anything different?

It was a stupid, fuckin', sophomoric write-up.

"You first need to understand the basic history and ideology behind communism. In short, it is the union philosophy, collective bargaining practices applied to everyday life, instead of just at the workplace. The idea that all men have the same economic worth, regardless of individual ambition, work habits, contribution, or choices, a Right to the same results, regardless of the differences in their efforts."

All-of-a-sudden....."United, we stand." is some kind o' communist-plot??