Communist China Establishes Global Presence Through Local Police Overseas Stations


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Communist China Establishes Global Presence Through Local Police Overseas Stations

Peter Dahlin
December 11, 2022


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The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is engaged in a multipronged campaign to establish its power overseas, especially over the ever-growing Chinese diaspora.

It started for real with the launch of Fox Hunt, a campaign to hunt down Party members, state functionaries, and those working in or with public entities, and it seems to have been launched following CCP leader Xi Jinping’s “anti-corruption” campaign.

The message being sent is clear: You will not be safe just because you leave China. At the same time, and growing in strength since, the CCP’s United Front Work Department has been hard at work co-opting local Chinese media organizations around Asia, Australia, North America, and Europe. In Australia, about 95 percent or more of all local Chinese language media toe the Party line.

With the migration from China increasing and the number of asylum seekers having shot up almost 800 percent since Xi took power in 2012, it is not surprising that the Chinese regime is working hard to establish a clear presence overseas. The latest development of this campaign is the establishment of overseas Chinese police service stations.

When Safeguard Defenders first exposed this operation with its “110 Overseas” investigation, some 54 stations had been identified, mostly in Western countries, and are run by two local police jurisdictions. New information continues to trickle in, and on Dec. 4, the Spain-based human rights NGO released a follow-up investigation—“Patrol and Persuade”—and the number of stations now identified has reached over 100, with several more police jurisdictions in China running such stations. The purpose is becoming more apparent, with one such jurisdiction claiming it was “using overseas Chinese to govern overseas Chinese.”

In fact, since first revealing this information, additional stations in both New York and Los Angeles have been uncovered, as well as in Vancouver and one unknown location in Canada, bringing the total number of stations in the United States and Canada to eight—but the actual number is likely higher.

Fox Hunt

The international manhunt for high-value targets, Fox Hunt, is carried out by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) under the leadership of the CCP’s “anti-corruption” watchdog, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).

At the Party Congress in late October, the CCDI presented new data showing that since its start in 2014—a consequence of Xi’s domestic “anti-corruption” campaign—Fox Hunt has successfully forced over 11,000 Chinese nationals back to China, several thousand of whom returned during the pandemic. Methods range from using extraditions and INTERPOL red notices, although very rare, to the more common involuntary return methods, such as “persuasion” by going after family members living in China, sending agents abroad to harass and intimidate targeted individuals in their new home country, and kidnappings.

So far, some 84 cases of these stations playing a role in “persuasion” operations to force people back to China against their will have been identified. This reveals that the Chinese regime lied about the purpose of these stations, claiming that they assist the local diaspora community in renewing driver’s licenses and other minor administrative tasks.

To stop these stations from operating, and to ensure that the activities themselves do not continue to go unnoticed in a different form, a number of steps need to be taken.

Overseas Chinese Police Service Stations

The stations, which, as far as is known, started appearing in 2016 and expanded in 2018—in direct contravention of Beijing’s statement that these stations were established, without the host country’s knowledge or approval—to assist Chinese citizens during the pandemic.

The way it works is that police in a certain jurisdiction—particularly those that have seen significant emigration, such as Fuzhou—reach out to local trade or cultural associations in those cities and areas where many people from the city or region happen to live. Chinese emigration, after all, tends to be group-oriented; if many from Fuzhou have settled in one region, others who emigrate tend to want to go to those places for a support network, shared language, culture, and food.

The police will thus approach an existing association and ask them to take on the task of running the stations. Here is when things get a bit more complicated. As these are run by local police, the stations vary significantly in their appearance. In some cases, like in Budapest and Dublin, they will establish a proper office, hang out signage and plaques declaring they are overseas police service stations—always without informing the host country government, and have a more strict physical presence. In other cases, the office of the association itself will be used, while the address and phone number announced will go to a front, which can be an auto mechanic, as in Porto, Portugal, a convenience store, like in Toronto, Canada, or a restaurant, as in Glasgow, Scotland.

Similar operations also exist around Asia and particularly Africa, but such establishments are done in public, with the full cooperation of the host government; otherwise, the operations are strikingly similar to the clandestine stations in the democratic world.

To understand the overall purpose and the role they play, this quote from the Nantong is illustrative: “At present, representatives of overseas Chinese and overseas students have been hired in the United States, Australia, South Korea and other places as overseas liaison officers to cooperate with domestic officers both internally and externally.”

Here alone, without going into the use of such stations to assist police back in China with “persuasion” operations of targets China wants to be returned, a number of issues arise. As the Netherlands, Ireland, and Canada have shown, they consider the establishment of such stations, regardless of their duty, to be illegal and in violation of the Vienna convention. All three countries have ordered them to shut down. The fact that they have been established secretly—without informing host governments and their presence is almost only known in the Chinese language–has allowed them to operate undetected for so long.

The associations that actually run the stations, per command from the local police jurisdictions, are also in breach of administrative regulations. Any association needs to be registered, and Safeguard Defenders believes most of them are, as they have existed for a long time. However, they are not registered to perform these duties or act in any way as a liaison for the Chinese police or government. Hence, regulatory action can and must be taken against any association found to violate administrative regulations.

More importantly, to avoid simply shutting down the stations, only for their actual activities to be carried out clandestinely, via, for example, United Front Work Department-affiliated associations, means that security service needs to launch a formal investigation, and where evidence allows, bring forth criminal charges.

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