Communist China Is Threatening America and the World


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U.S. Homeland Security: Communist China Is Threatening America and the World

Dec. 26, 2020 | By Li Yanbai

( Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), recently spoke about the serious threat posed by communist China to America and the world. During an online meeting of the Heritage Foundation on December 20, he said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not only been trampling on human rights, but has also been shaping the world according to communist ideology and harming the lives of Americans.

He said the Trump administration had taken a series of actions including limiting visa terms of CCP officials to one month, welcoming Hong Kong refugees in 2021, and curbing the importation of slave-labor products.

[​IMG]Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), speaking at a Heritage Foundation conference on December 20, 2020.

The CCP Is Changing the World with Communism

Wolf said America's founders “had a powerful vision for this nation,” that is, to be “a bastion of freedom” and “a beacon of hope to those suffering across the world.” To that end, America has defeated tyrants, terrorists, and oppressors around the world. America helped end the Cold War and with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, ushering “in an unprecedented period of freedom, peace, and prosperity.”

“But as we reveled in the afterglow of our Cold War victory, Communist leaders in Beijing were biding their time, learning from the mistakes of others, and preparing to mount a civilizational challenge to America,” Wolf remarked, “Today, the threats to our peace and prosperity emanate largely from China.”

He clarified that he referred to the leadership in Beijing, not the Chinese people suppressed by it. “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) picked up the mantle of Communist ideology and has adapted it to our times. Today, the ideology that fueled the Soviet Union is alive and well in China,” he continued.

This is because the CCP views the current free and open liberal economic and democratic world order as a political and ideological threat. “It wants to reshape the world in its image: centrally-planned and authoritarian. A world in which the Chinese government can pick the winners and losers. Where every decision isn’t about helping the most people—but instead about helping the Chinese regime,” he added.

With this ideological mindset, the CCP’s actions are threatening the Western economy, people, and way of life. As a result, “they employ underhanded tactics to destabilize Western nations and further their ends.”

A systemic approach was adopted. “Instead of competing fairly on a level playing field, China undermines the international system. Instead of fighting on the conventional battlefield, China wages secret disinformation and propaganda wars to cripple us from within,” Wolf said, “The results they have achieved thus far should concern every American.”

This came from the CCP’s authoritarian ideology, which is intertwined with China’s malign actions. “They share a philosophical premise: the belief that the CCP can ruthlessly pursue its ends regardless of whom it hurts along the way—be it millions of people now at risk of COVID across the globe or China’s own oppressed citizens, who cannot start their families, practice their faiths, or speak their minds without the fear of swift and inhumane government retribution,” he explained.

A similar approach was also taken to attack the U.S. “In the truest sense of the word, it is a totalitarian state,” he continued, “The centralization of Chinese political, technological, and economic power, the monopoly on resources and industry, the disregard for human rights and dignity, and their own people’s fear of government retribution—these traits, together, make the Chinese regime a serious threat to the United States and to the entire world.”

“This combination of qualities enables the Chinese Communist Party to undermine the values of liberal democracies—liberty and equality, honesty and transparency. Their government has launched political, economic, and cultural attacks that harm our Homeland and our people,” he added, “It is high time for us to recognize these attacks for what they are—and to respond accordingly.”

The CCP Targets America from Within

Wolf said his agency released a report on Homeland Threat Assessment (HTA) in October, the first report of its kind in DHS history. While the report covers all kinds of threats the agency has to combat every day, a significant portion of it is related to China.

For example, the CCP attacks the legitimacy of the American political system. "Each day, Chinese operatives engage in disinformation campaigns designed to mislead the American public, pressure political figures, shape U.S. discourse in China’s favor, and shift responsibility for the deadly COVID-19 pandemic to others,” Wolf said.

“These operatives exploit cultural and commercial ties to lobby our state and local governments to adopt pro-China policies. Beijing abuses its economic leverage to manipulate major American companies into toeing the Party line at the expense of truth and free expression,” he explained, “As we have recently seen, they engage in espionage at even state and local levels of our government.”

Another area is the cyber threat. “China poses a high cyber threat to the Homeland—demonstrated by continued cyber espionage against the U.S. government and businesses and their increasing ability to threaten and potentially disrupt U.S. critical infrastructure,” Wolf remarked, “China’s cyber capabilities should alarm all Americans. A cyber-attack on our critical infrastructure could be catastrophic.”

Intentional attacks on the economy are also serious. “China is a top threat to U.S. supply chain security and a persistent source of counterfeit goods. Whereas American businesses are the world leaders in innovation, China is the world’s leader in counterfeits. Chinese counterfeiters send fake medicines, contaminated cosmetics, and defective auto parts--to name but a few--in massive volumes,” he continued, adding the list extended to fake Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the COVID crisis.

Because of unfair practices of the CCP, American companies were put out of business, harming the livelihoods of many American families.

To achieve that, “China exploits our academic and visa systems to advance its military and economy, using a wide range of government, non-government, and private actors and platforms,” he added. For example, the CCP abuses the free economy and steals trade secrets by sending visiting professors, scholars, and students to the U.S. to obtain information or replicate the work done in the U.S.

Furthermore, the CCP directly harms the lives of countless Americans. Fentanyl and precursor chemicals from China poured into the U.S. through transnational criminal organizations. “COVID-19—which originated in China and made its way to the United States after an inept and deceitful response from the Chinese government—has claimed the lives of more than three hundred thousand Americans and harmed millions more,” he added.

“Simply put, our people are suffering and dying every day because of the Chinese Communist Party,” Wolf explained, “Today, it is imperative that we have a shared understanding regarding the threats we face. Only then can we come together to protect the Homeland against China’s actions.”

Threats Ignored in the Past
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