Compare/contrast the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and the Muslim invasion of the USA


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what are you babbling about, pirate bitch? what muslim invasion? almost all domestic terrorist attacks the last 5 years have been from trump supporters.

A few years ago, maybe even before 9/11/01, an influential Jihadist* addressed an Islamic convention crowd in Chicago and told them that there was "no way" they could afford to be violent in America. They had a better non-violent plan. And for the most part since then, Muslims have been using other means of advancing the agenda, but advancing it they certainly are.

You can see signs of it everywhere, the latest and most notable is the CBS TV series about an Afghan who was sponsored by his American Marine Corps buddy and lives with him in America.

And while the character, who is the star of a US Television Network evening sitcom, is a very nice, smart, charismatic, funny guy, that show will give U.S. fuzzy brains a deceptively sweet and false template for how Americans should regard not only all Muslims, but all foreigners in general.

And in the case of immigrants who do not have a very real implied duty to follow the Islamic scripture literally, such a nice idealized TV image and such a congenial tutorial in how to treat a foreigner might be endorsed without a second thought.

But that is hard to recommend if you know a little about the reality of Islam. No matter how many nice Muslims do not obey their religious orders, SOME Muslims ARE obedient to their Prophet's commands. And we don't know how to tell those who are trying to steal our country from us from those who want to live in freedom and to live as AMERICANS. Nor do we know how to tell those who can be intimidated to do what the extremists tell them to do, but aside from that, they seem to want to live like regular Americans, except that they almost exclusively support the Left.

So, all we can do is look at what they do and say and how they act.

And when we talk about certain debate subjects here, we can get an idea of the foreign posters and the Muslim posters and wouldn't you know that every one who exhibits signs of being Muslim, also seems to hate Trump.

It is such a coincidence!

I think they enjoy the freedom to openly attack Trump, the only man who could stop their agenda from advancing. They feel free to bash him because the dishonest media and the corrupted institutions in America have willingly and knowingly, or unwittingly been complicit in manipulating American society to do whatever they can to bring more foreign Muslims to America as possible and have them support the American Left Wing and Libs and Democrats who have all been programmed to act as Muslim proxies. In fact, Muslims can often take a laid back role in debates and merely allow duped Dems to take the lead on any issue of importance to Muslims.

And then at a certain unknown point in time, they would no longer need to hide behind fuzzy brained Libs.

That is where we are headed and too few Americans realize it. And nothing I say will change this because someone will say it's all a lie and no one will believe me.

But, just between you and I, Islam has seldom vied for such a grand accomplishment as the conquest of America and maybe never before been so close to so grand a prize yet at such a small price compared to the gains already made.

So, no. There may be Jihadist attacks in the future, but so far, the instances of Islamic terroreism in America has seemed to be pretty low the past few years.

And that is what your comment speaks to,.

You are pandering to what you think most RW'ers believe or understand. But there are lots of Trump supporters who know what I'm telling you. That's how I learned it. That's one of the reasons I believe they took down Parler the Conservative online forum. They didn't want us sharing info.

But the cats are out of the bag now.

Anyway, this is to inform you that you'll need to use a different ruse from now on.

* I consider a jihadist a Muslim who actively works to advance Islam by whatever means are necessary or possible, toward the ultimate goal of global domination of mankind, as is commanded in Islamic scriptures.