Computer stuff


By 2020, it's predicted that you will be able to walk into a store and buy a computer with as much processing power as the human brain.

By 2050, it's predicted that you will be able to buy one with as much processing power as the entire human race.
Yeah, by about 2050 they'll definitely have technology to make me live forever.

But I'll have to live forever as a 60-year old fart. Not sure it's worth it.
imagine how society would have to change if no one ever died. retirement is either out the window or a whole new social structure would have to be created to support the un-dieables
imagine how society would have to change if no one ever died. retirement is either out the window or a whole new social structure would have to be created to support the un-dieables

People could take "retirements" every forty years with the money they've saved up, and then go back to work to save up again after that.