Computer virus resurrected?


I'm pretty sure this is a fairly old one -- at least a year past, but today I received two messages entitled "Your buddy sent you a post card", sender was simply "Post Card". Either this thing is making the rounds again or someone has created a new, improved version -- or it's just been lurking in cyberspace until it could land in my mailbox.

In case it has in some way been resurrected, please consider this an alert.
I'm pretty sure this is a fairly old one -- at least a year past, but today I received two messages entitled "Your buddy sent you a post card", sender was simply "Post Card". Either this thing is making the rounds again or someone has created a new, improved version -- or it's just been lurking in cyberspace until it could land in my mailbox.

In case it has in some way been resurrected, please consider this an alert.

Hey Thorn. I forgot to do that thing we talked about, but I am going to. Sorry for the delay. Not that you are on the edge of your seat, but I didn't want you to think forgot or found someone better. I mean, my choices are from here, so you do the odds on that. ;)
Hey Thorn. I forgot to do that thing we talked about, but I am going to. Sorry for the delay. Not that you are on the edge of your seat, but I didn't want you to think forgot or found someone better. I mean, my choices are from here, so you do the odds on that. ;)

LOL! I await with bated breath ... It's okay. I spent part of the weekend ripping down wallpaper and sanding a window frame to bare wood. Such fun.
LOL! I await with bated breath ... It's okay. I spent part of the weekend ripping down wallpaper and sanding a window frame to bare wood. Such fun.

Thorn you know they make something for doing that right?

They are called men.

We will talk more about this when we do our thing.
RE: Darla and Thorn

You do realise this type of talk causes some people - filthy disgusting people with minds in the filthiest most disgusting gutters - to think about all sorts, don't you?

First of all we have talk of secret affairs and then Thorn, who should be thoroughly ashamed of herself, relaying rip-roaring revelations of a weekend spent rubbing wood to her partner in crime (and Lord knows what else) Darla.

I am certainly not some kind of middle-of-the-road, straight-laced prude, far from it. I once saw nearly a whole 5 minutes of Desperate Housewives, i'll have you know. However, this is a family board where vulnerable children could be corrupted by exposure to your dirty sex talk. I hate to say it but, please, for the love of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, won't you think of the children?

Yours faithfully,

A. Disgusted Reader.
RE: Darla and Thorn

You do realise this type of talk causes some people - filthy disgusting people with minds in the filthiest most disgusting gutters - to think about all sorts, don't you?

First of all we have talk of secret affairs and then Thorn, who should be thoroughly ashamed of herself, relaying rip-roaring revelations of a weekend spent rubbing wood to her partner in crime (and Lord knows what else) Darla.

I am certainly not some kind of middle-of-the-road, straight-laced prude, far from it. I once saw nearly a whole 5 minutes of Desperate Housewives, i'll have you know. However, this is a family board where vulnerable children could be corrupted by exposure to your dirty sex talk. I hate to say it but, please, for the love of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, won't you think of the children?

Yours faithfully,

A. Disgusted Reader.

You been hanging around with Ted Haggard?

I thought he liked wood polishing????
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Thorn you know they make something for doing that right?

They are called men.

We will talk more about this when we do our thing.

girls just do not understand the joy of tearing stuff down.

I remember once we wanted to build a new deck, so my dad and brothers and I took a chainsaw, sledgehammers, and axes to it. THEN we started a huge fire and burnt it all up. While all that was burning.. we kinda got into a frenzy a tore down a swingset that my youngest brother (who was like 5 at the time) always played on. We burned that too. Then we chopped down and mashed up our childhood tree house and burned that as well.

Things got a little out of hand . . .