"Concerns about Biden's behaviors are not new, and they aren't partisan"


Well-known member
The thread title is copied from another only to illustrate the brain warp in this forum. Here is a list of the members excluded from the debate on this "aren't partisan" topic:

Cypress, Jarod, blackascoal, evince, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Phantasmal, Rune, Althea, moon, iolo, Mr.Badguy, jet57, Bill, domer76, qmuddy2, archives, Guille, Nomad, Micawber, whaap, crowonapost, CASPER, floridafan, Mr.Mason, ThatOwlWoman, Tranquillus in Exile, katzgar, Joe Capitalist, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, Frank Apisa, volsrock, PoliTalker, rjhenn, guno, Tacomaman, Jack, LV426, Old Trapper, NiftyNiblick, Charoite, Poor Richard Saunders, StoneByStone, WalterWilson, Mason?, Port Tack, Cinnabar, gemini104104, Iolo/Penderyn, Trumpet, saltydancin, Walt, AProudLefty, Dutch Uncle, TexanManWithPlans, Geeko Sportivo, Concart, serenity, Matt Dillon, ParachuteAdams, martin, Diesel, Sally Stockings, jakemax, War=Peace, Whythink, Hoosier Daddy, no worries, American Man, Common Sense, goat, Inkslinger, Djinn, Jolly and rogues scholar
The thread title is copied from another only to illustrate the brain warp in this forum. Here is a list of the members excluded from the debate on this "aren't partisan" topic:

Cypress, Jarod, blackascoal, evince, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Phantasmal, Rune, Althea, moon, iolo, Mr.Badguy, jet57, Bill, domer76, qmuddy2, archives, Guille, Nomad, Micawber, whaap, crowonapost, CASPER, floridafan, Mr.Mason, ThatOwlWoman, Tranquillus in Exile, katzgar, Joe Capitalist, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, Frank Apisa, volsrock, PoliTalker, rjhenn, guno, Tacomaman, Jack, LV426, Old Trapper, NiftyNiblick, Charoite, Poor Richard Saunders, StoneByStone, WalterWilson, Mason?, Port Tack, Cinnabar, gemini104104, Iolo/Penderyn, Trumpet, saltydancin, Walt, AProudLefty, Dutch Uncle, TexanManWithPlans, Geeko Sportivo, Concart, serenity, Matt Dillon, ParachuteAdams, martin, Diesel, Sally Stockings, jakemax, War=Peace, Whythink, Hoosier Daddy, no worries, American Man, Common Sense, goat, Inkslinger, Djinn, Jolly and rogues scholar

Must be a Lesion thread. It's his way. He bans everyone, even ppl no one ever heard of. lol
The thread title is copied from another only to illustrate the brain warp in this forum. Here is a list of the members excluded from the debate on this "aren't partisan" topic:

Cypress, Jarod, blackascoal, evince, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Phantasmal, Rune, Althea, moon, iolo, Mr.Badguy, jet57, Bill, domer76, qmuddy2, archives, Guille, Nomad, Micawber, whaap, crowonapost, CASPER, floridafan, Mr.Mason, ThatOwlWoman, Tranquillus in Exile, katzgar, Joe Capitalist, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, Frank Apisa, volsrock, PoliTalker, rjhenn, guno, Tacomaman, Jack, LV426, Old Trapper, NiftyNiblick, Charoite, Poor Richard Saunders, StoneByStone, WalterWilson, Mason?, Port Tack, Cinnabar, gemini104104, Iolo/Penderyn, Trumpet, saltydancin, Walt, AProudLefty, Dutch Uncle, TexanManWithPlans, Geeko Sportivo, Concart, serenity, Matt Dillon, ParachuteAdams, martin, Diesel, Sally Stockings, jakemax, War=Peace, Whythink, Hoosier Daddy, no worries, American Man, Common Sense, goat, Inkslinger, Djinn, Jolly and rogues scholar

Seems as though someone is butt hurt that they can't express their opinion on a thread. It's kind of like leftist who claim to be tolerant but only want to hear things they agree with.
Seems as though someone is butt hurt that they can't express their opinion on a thread. It's kind of like leftist who claim to be tolerant but only want to hear things they agree with.

No one is "butt hurt" but members too afraid to face open discussion of their prejudices and uninformed opinions.
These threads are not DEbate threads, they are just straight bait threads. Legion wants to post multiple threads claiming Biden is a pedophile, and attempt to bait people into 12b violations. I guess that's what he does for fun. Either that, or it's classic Freudian projection. Either way, Legion is a scumbag.
Thanks for the invitation but rather not waste my time.

It's a waste of time because you're talking through your ass and you know it and I know it. The fact is you have not the first fucking clue what my "prejudices and uninformed opinions" are. Glad to see you finally have enough fucking balls to admit it.
It's a waste of time because you're talking through your ass and you know it and I know it. The fact is you have not the first fucking clue what my "prejudices and uninformed opinions" are. Glad to see you finally have enough fucking balls to admit it.

At least you admit you have them. That's a start.