Condi - Bush has always said this was a generational problem in Iraq


Well-known member
So Bush has always been saying that we would be in Iraq for generations?

They claim the Democrats are for cut and run, but what they do is go into a years long war after preparing the people for one that "might last 6 months" then attack when the elected officials start looking to pull out three years later!
Well once Fox and the other pundits repeat it enough it will become fact...
To the stupid ones with the con mindset anyway.
And then they will run the 08 campaign by calling whomever the Democratic nominee is a "liar" or "serial exaggerator".

And all of a sudden! Republicans on this board will care about honesty. People like Dano will be the first ones complaining.

All the while not noticing that the 3 month surge has been turned into at least an 18 month escalation, and the imaginary end of the escalation is now a "drawdown".
So Bush has always been saying that we would be in Iraq for generations?

They claim the Democrats are for cut and run, but what they do is go into a years long war after preparing the people for one that "might last 6 months" then attack when the elected officials start looking to pull out three years later!

Jarod, I can't even keep track of the shifting reasons and rationales for the iraq war anymore.

Really, they could fill a book with it! :rolleyes:
Jarod, I can't even keep track of the shifting reasons and rationales for the iraq war anymore.

Really, they could fill a book with it! :rolleyes:

The daily show did an awsome bit on it last night

Well I quess Im off to do some more neo con battles be back later for a breath of sanity.