Confederate Monuments and White Victimhood

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
I think that when white Confederate sympathizers demand that we honor their dead, they ignobly play the victims twice over. First, in proclaiming as virtuous their ancestors' sacrifice to a Lost Cause. And again when demanding that we honor such shameful deeds.

I think Confederate monuments should be removed from public spaces. I think their cheap, bronze and zinc casts should be melted down, their marble bases ground into dust. I do not think monuments to soldiers who fought and died to preserve white supremacy belong in front of our community courthouses, public squares or public universities. To be sure, if a museum wishes to house them, then let those museums have them

There are those who believe that the men these monuments honor were just men of their time, and should be judged against the values of their era and not ours. They must also believe that the nearly four million enslaved men, women and children either had no values, or shared the values of their enslavers.
I think that when white Confederate sympathizers demand that we honor their dead, they ignobly play the victims twice over. First, in proclaiming as virtuous their ancestors' sacrifice to a Lost Cause. And again when demanding that we honor such shameful deeds.

I think Confederate monuments should be removed from public spaces. I think their cheap, bronze and zinc casts should be melted down, their marble bases ground into dust. I do not think monuments to soldiers who fought and died to preserve white supremacy belong in front of our community courthouses, public squares or public universities. To be sure, if a museum wishes to house them, then let those museums have them

There are those who believe that the men these monuments honor were just men of their time, and should be judged against the values of their era and not ours. They must also believe that the nearly four million enslaved men, women and children either had no values, or shared the values of their enslavers.

Sounds like James Thomas is trying to make himself out to be a victim. The snowflake gets his feelings hurt when he sees things he doesn't like.

It's hard to tell what's worse, his meaningless opinion or the meaningless subject he teaches.
It is rather astounding that we still have apologists / excusers for slavery in America? A nation founded on the enlightenment concept of reason and our preamble that all men are created equal is lost in our current tribal groupthink. Are we as a nation getting dumber, less charitable and less American? Republicans today wouldn't know what to do with a Lincoln as they kowtow to charlatan who bribes other nations for dirt on a fellow American. Stuff below is for the interested readers still out there.


"Her conclusion is that the Americans who fought the Civil War overwhelmingly thought they were fighting about slavery, and that we should take their word for it." / Why the Civil War Was Fought, Really

"Benjamin Franklin, in a 1773 letter to Dean Woodward, confirmed that whenever the Americans had attempted to end slavery, the British government had indeed thwarted those attempts. Franklin explained that . . . . a disposition to abolish slavery prevails in North America, that many of Pennsylvanians have set their slaves at liberty, and that even the Virginia Assembly have petitioned the King for permission to make a law for preventing the importation of more into that colony. This request, however, will probably not be granted as their former laws of that kind have always been repealed. "

WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - The Founding Fathers and Slavery

Southern arguments for and against:

Agrument v Lincoln's position

Does the constitution allow secession / How the North Lost the Civil War
I think that when white Confederate sympathizers demand that we honor their dead, they ignobly play the victims twice over. First, in proclaiming as virtuous their ancestors' sacrifice to a Lost Cause. And again when demanding that we honor such shameful deeds.

I think Confederate monuments should be removed from public spaces. I think their cheap, bronze and zinc casts should be melted down, their marble bases ground into dust. I do not think monuments to soldiers who fought and died to preserve white supremacy belong in front of our community courthouses, public squares or public universities. To be sure, if a museum wishes to house them, then let those museums have them

There are those who believe that the men these monuments honor were just men of their time, and should be judged against the values of their era and not ours. They must also believe that the nearly four million enslaved men, women and children either had no values, or shared the values of their enslavers.

Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of men who fought in the Confederate army never owned even one slave. This is an excellent article on why common non slave owners fought.
Churches were the center of social and intellectual life in the south. That was where people congregated, where they learned about the world and their place in it, and where they received moral guidance. The clergy comprised the community’s cultural leaders and educators and carried tremendous influence with slaveholders and non-slaveholders alike. What were Southern pastors, preachers, and religious leaders telling their flock?
Southern clergy defended the morality of slavery through an elaborate scriptural defense built on the infallibility of the Bible, which they held up as the universal and objective standard for moral issues. Religious messages from pulpit and from a growing religious press accounted in large part for the extreme, uncompromising, ideological atmosphere of the time.
It is rather astounding that we still have apologists / excusers for slavery in America? A nation founded on the enlightenment concept of reason and our preamble that all men are created equal is lost in our current tribal groupthink. Are we as a nation getting dumber, less charitable and less American? Republicans today wouldn't know what to do with a Lincoln as they kowtow to charlatan who bribes other nations for dirt on a fellow American. Stuff below is for the interested readers still out there.


"Her conclusion is that the Americans who fought the Civil War overwhelmingly thought they were fighting about slavery, and that we should take their word for it." / Why the Civil War Was Fought, Really

"Benjamin Franklin, in a 1773 letter to Dean Woodward, confirmed that whenever the Americans had attempted to end slavery, the British government had indeed thwarted those attempts. Franklin explained that . . . . a disposition to abolish slavery prevails in North America, that many of Pennsylvanians have set their slaves at liberty, and that even the Virginia Assembly have petitioned the King for permission to make a law for preventing the importation of more into that colony. This request, however, will probably not be granted as their former laws of that kind have always been repealed. "

WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - The Founding Fathers and Slavery

Southern arguments for and against:

Agrument v Lincoln's position

Does the constitution allow secession / How the North Lost the Civil War

Who is excusing slavery?
Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of men who fought in the Confederate army never owned even one slave. This is an excellent article on why common non slave owners fought.

They got conned by the rich landowners,poor damned fools,got conned into treason
Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of men who fought in the Confederate army never owned even one slave. This is an excellent article on why common non slave owners fought.

Even in the German SS, let alone the German Army, there were lots of soldiers who never murdered a single Jew. The mugs are easily brainwashed, which is why you are ruled by a senile clown, obviously. We have the same sort of crap over here with Brexit. The question is whether Germany should put up statues to Extermination Camp commanders and such. You think they should?
Even in the German SS, let alone the German Army, there were lots of soldiers who never murdered a single Jew. The mugs are easily brainwashed, which is why you are ruled by a senile clown, obviously. We have the same sort of crap over here with Brexit. The question is whether Germany should put up statues to Extermination Camp commanders and such. You think they should?

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Yep!This is the USA,not the CSA!

You got it sport this is and has been the USA so you just confirmed that you favor all monuments on public property no matter what be destroyed. When you say something it better be what you mean.
You got it sport this is and has been the USA so you just confirmed that you favor all monuments on public property no matter what be destroyed. When you say something it better be what you mean.

This thread is about Confederate monuments period.
You're either dumb or playing dumb.
You got it sport this is and has been the USA so you just confirmed that you favor all monuments on public property no matter what be destroyed. When you say something it better be what you mean.

Don't bother with him. He's irrational and showing clear signs of dementia. Pity him.
This thread is about Confederate monuments period.
You're either dumb or playing dumb.

No, this thread is about confederate monuments but you said quote "All monuments on public grounds have to come down." you didn't specify what monuments. Sorry sport words have meanings. Try to be clear the next time. :rofl2: