Confession Time: I was Owned


Will work for Scooby snacks
Robdog and Prak owned me: I didn't think Dems would win the senate.

It looks like we do, unless Rove can figure out a way to cheat Webb in the courts in a Virginia recount.
Yeah. I admitted my ownership on an earlier thread. Isn't it great!?
They are going down FAST!
Prak? Or Rob?

Rob has been insufferable today!

Just goes to show all men are the same no matter what their orientation. lol

I like them both so I don't care how insufferable they get, but I'll bet they've been annoying some people. I have to read Rob's posts.
Just goes to show all men are the same no matter what their orientation. lol

I like them both so I don't care how insufferable they get, but I'll bet they've been annoying some people. I have to read Rob's posts.


Oh, God, over on FP he's been "owning" me, chapdog, wiseguy, etc.
Thats Rob"DAWG" to you ownage.....

listen i don't mean to own anybody, but when you don't heed the words of this PO' dem... your gonna get owned, its as simple as that...