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If you were a democrat, you might be especially worried about the avalanche of “actual evidence” coming out drip, drip, drip from Judicial Watch, the Republicans on the House and Senate committees investigating the 2016 election and the shows on Fox News all concerning how the Obama Justice Department and FBI deep state cabal attempted to exonerate Hillary Clinton of her crimes against the United States, and frame Trump with some imaginary crime like collusion with Russians and or obstruction of justice.
You might be so concerned that you’re cheering on the New York Time piece alleged to have been contributed by an “anonymous upper level” Trump administration member claiming Trump is a flake needing to be controlled by his cabinet members to keep him from destroying the country.
You might also be cheering on Bob Woodward’s “anonymous source” new book making the same claims. You might even convince yourself that these duel releases of “anonymous” contributed info has nothing to do with the hysterical left attempting to counter punch the criminal state info about to indict members of the Justice Department, FBI, our Intelligent Agencies and possibly even Hillary Clinton and Obama himself right before the 2018 mid-term elections. You may be hoping and cheering for “ANONYMOUS” and hoping with your entire soul that the “FACTS” being reported by nobody except Republican Congress critters, Judicial Watch and Fox News will be ignored.
Your wishes may come true. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The swampy cesspool and America’s left dominated media might get away with their crimes yet, they saved Hillary Clinton’s ass didn’t they? My confidence in American Justice is next to nothing.
You might be so concerned that you’re cheering on the New York Time piece alleged to have been contributed by an “anonymous upper level” Trump administration member claiming Trump is a flake needing to be controlled by his cabinet members to keep him from destroying the country.
You might also be cheering on Bob Woodward’s “anonymous source” new book making the same claims. You might even convince yourself that these duel releases of “anonymous” contributed info has nothing to do with the hysterical left attempting to counter punch the criminal state info about to indict members of the Justice Department, FBI, our Intelligent Agencies and possibly even Hillary Clinton and Obama himself right before the 2018 mid-term elections. You may be hoping and cheering for “ANONYMOUS” and hoping with your entire soul that the “FACTS” being reported by nobody except Republican Congress critters, Judicial Watch and Fox News will be ignored.
Your wishes may come true. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The swampy cesspool and America’s left dominated media might get away with their crimes yet, they saved Hillary Clinton’s ass didn’t they? My confidence in American Justice is next to nothing.