Conn R- Senate candidate points out lies by LIEberman and Lamont

Slessenger says that SS is going bankrupt, he said that the government gets money in FICA taxes and SS etc... then they spend it, but then they say something like when doing budgets say they have a surplus, and then they collect interest on this money which they don't have which they already spent... i know i messing up how im saying it but i really understood it last night... and then he called LIEberman out (LIEberman really got owned by the both of them)

LIEberman said that people would get their money... Sleshenger said its like riding the titanic and that if you think the deficit is bad now, just wait... you got all these baby boomers about to retire... its like being on the titanic and Lamont and LIEberman are sitting on the deck in the front row for the show... Slesshenger seemed to know what he was talking about he sited the GAO who is an independent agency who is trying to warn everyone... and that what they do with social security where they spend the money then account for this fake money that isn't there they even do so well at faking it that they accrue interest on the money that they already spent but pretend they didn't..
Yeah, the in our face SS crisis is not that the SS system will be soon paying our more than it takes in, the porblem is that the Govt will have to start apying back the surplus SS funds which the "borrowed" from general tax revenue funds. That will hurt.
Damn thieves plundered the retirement funds of all working americans and now can't figure our how to pay it back and keep the rest of our country running.
And Bush has not helped by running up the national debt so high.
That is exactly what Bush has been saying when he tired to fix the SS problem.

I see lieberman is ahead in the polls. Guess your man is losing Dawg!
No specific plan, he wanted discussion to fix the problem and couldn't get it from the libs. Once more libs stick heads in sand and hope everything works out.