Conrad Black convicted

He actually sold his news businesses in 98, part of the charges were to do with him getting out of the media business.

He is not a right-wing nutbag and the media is overwhelmingly Liberal as it is. When he left, the only non-Liberal outlet is Fox.
Crocodile tears for the left for not having complete 100% control over the media - they are truly the victims.
He actually sold his news businesses in 98, part of the charges were to do with him getting out of the media business.

He is not a right-wing nutbag and the media is overwhelmingly Liberal as it is. When he left, the only non-Liberal outlet is Fox.
Crocodile tears for the left for not having complete 100% control over the media - they are truly the victims.

I started sobbing by the second paragraph. Are there any legal funds for him I can contribute to, like the Scooter fund? I feel really bad.
I started sobbing by the second paragraph. Are there any legal funds for him I can contribute to, like the Scooter fund? I feel really bad.
Yes, I'm sure you would feel really bad if all media eventually had a Liberal slant.

Maybe you can do a fundraiser and have Guns n' Christ perform, after all since you never had any real success selling your fake rightwing strawmen in arguments, you certainly didn't do too bad when you became one.
Yes, I'm sure you would feel really bad if all media eventually had a Liberal slant.

Maybe you can do a fundraiser and have Guns n' Christ perform, after all since you never had any real success selling your fake rightwing strawmen in arguments, you certainly didn't do too bad when you became one.

I've retired him. But I certainly am willing to send a check. I can hardly imagine, no less think of, a more worthy cause than trying to get another righty crook out of a prison sentence.
Yeah the Liberal media.

The same ones who kept "accidentally" refering to the the Rs like Foley as Dems.

The same ones who labeled Dean a Nutbag for giving a rally cry to his troops in a horse voice.

The same ones who Beat the drums to war in Iraq.
Yeah the Liberal media.

The same ones who kept "accidentally" refering to the the Rs like Foley as Dems.

The same ones who labeled Dean a Nutbag for giving a rally cry to his troops in a horse voice.

The same ones who Beat the drums to war in Iraq.
Who kept? As far as I know only once was Foley labelled as a Democrat.
Since the beginning of October, Fox News and the Associated Press have incorrectly identified former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) as a Democrat while reporting on the scandal surrounding allegations that he engaged in sexually explicit electronic communications with underage former congressional pages. Other media outlets have identified as Democrats former Rep. Daniel Crane (R-IL), who was censured by Congress in 1983 for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old female page, and Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), during coverage of a poll showing Chafee trailing his Democratic challenger Sheldon Whitehouse by 11 points. Whitehouse was also misidentified as a Republican. Most of these errors have since been corrected, though several news shows, including Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, have not made an explicit on-air or in-print correction.
Funny how that happens huh?

How many times have you seen an offendig D be accidentally labeled a R?
What was it Bush said about if you repeat a lie enough it becomes fact ? or something like that...

And first impression is always the most lasting.