Cons slobbering all over Hil

I think her position as to 'negotiating' with terrorist regimes, made the most sense. While willing to have diplomatic meetings, denying them the prestige and photo ops of meeting with the president was correct. That's what the 'slobbering' is about. Not that they'd vote for her.

Personally, I want Obama to get the nomination, but Edwards would be good too. I don't think that'll happen though.
Out of all the democratic candidates running for president, Clinton is the closest to the republican/neocon/shoot-first-ask-questions-later mode of how to conduct foreign policy.

Some of that slobbering is genuine, but some republicans think the road to the White House is through Hillary. But in either case, neocons on your side is scary as hell to Americans trying to wrest this nation back from their reign of terror.

What's really scary is that I believe the Hillary camp sees this as a good development. She doesn't think too much of liberals and the Left on issues of foreign policy and national security. She's far more comfortable with neocon thinking there and has often repeated neocon talking points. She'll need to be watched closely if she wins the nomination because she'll move even further to the right. If she does that, there will be a lot of democrats/independents/progressives/liberals sitting in their hands on election day.
Out of all the democratic candidates running for president, Clinton is the closest to the republican/neocon/shoot-first-ask-questions-later mode of how to conduct foreign policy.

Some of that slobbering is genuine, but some republicans think the road to the White House is through Hillary. But in either case, neocons on your side is scary as hell to Americans trying to wrest this nation back from their reign of terror.

What's really scary is that I believe the Hillary camp sees this as a good development. She doesn't think too much of liberals and the Left on issues of foreign policy and national security. She's far more comfortable with neocon thinking there and has often repeated neocon talking points. She'll need to be watched closely if she wins the nomination because she'll move even further to the right. If she does that, there will be a lot of democrats/independents/progressives/liberals sitting in their hands on election day.
I agree. If Hillary gets the democratic nomination and Guiliani the republican, Hillary wins. While Hillary IS polarizing, Guiliani will cause many republicans to sit out the vote.
No one is going to be like Bush except Cheney or someone the neocons pick.

I have to admit if they wanted to ruin a Dem candidate all they would have to do is endorse them.

Oh shit did I just say that out loud?