"conservative" Bigots; START PACKING!!!!!!


(....If you actually believe this half-witted bimbo....)

Rios then said that conservatives who oppose abortion rights and marriage equality may be forced into “reeducation camps” if America’s progressive course continues:
Plus, the blatant reports on the loss of religious freedom. Actually, Tim, to make it very personal, I’ve said this to you privately, all of us that are conservative and believe in traditional marriage, believe that the life of the unborn should be defended, are going to be in the crosshairs of the IRS, all of the—even the FBI now, we can’t trust our federal agencies. And we are going to be, many of us, in fact in inside circles in D.C. we’re always saying we’re going to be in reeducation camps, and really that’s not a quantum leap.

they want to go all murrha building on us

The Stream is a daily television programme on Al Jazeera English. It is branded as a “Web community With a Global TV show”. On television and online The Stream taps into the extraordinary potential of social media to disseminate news.
The Stream is an aggregator of online sources and discussion, seeking out unheard voices, new perspectives from people on the ground and untold angles related to the most compelling stories of the day.[1] The show's social media team and second screen technology enable viewers to engage 24 hours a day with new content, comments, user-generated videos and a variety of posts.
Previously, the show was hosted by Derrick Ashong and Imran Garda. Lisa Fletcher replaced them as the new presenter. On June 25, 2012, the Stream was relaunched with a new studio and
About Us
The Stream*is a national daily championing freedom, smaller government and human dignity. Offering both original content and the best from across the web,*The Stream*challenges the worst in the mainstream media while offering a rich and lively source for breaking news, inspiration, analysis and entertainment.
In an age drowning in misleading content, The Stream provides knowledge and keen editorial discernment.
In an age when people of faith are isolated in silos and marginalized from the public square, The Stream breaks down the false divides between the sacred and profane, between faith and reason.
In an age of division, The Stream cultivates the high common ground shared by evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, including important ground shared by Jews and Christians.
In an age bent on quarantining “social conservatism” from “fiscal conservatism,” The Stream presses the truth that freedom divorced from virtue cannot long endure.
In an age of over-specialization, The Stream covers everything from U.S. and global politics to business, technology, economics, religion, family, the arts, health, humor and inspiration.
In an age of chaos, The Stream provides clarity and coherence.
The following Ten Principles motivate us, define our mission, guide our thinking and shape our policy preferences:
Every human being has equal value and dignity.
We are inherently and specifically social.
Marriage and the family are the fundamental social institutions.
We can know God and moral truth.
Judeo-Christian religious faith guards our freedom.
We’re all sinners.
We need a state strong enough to protect and maintain the rule of law but limited enough
not to violate it.
We are meant to be free and responsible.
When we’re free, we can create wealth and value.
Culture comes before politics.
Rios then said that conservatives who oppose abortion rights and marriage equality may be forced into “reeducation camps” if America’s progressive course continues:


October 21, 2016 - "A federal judge on Thursday sided with women's health provider Planned Parenthood in a lawsuit aiming to block a Mississippi law that barred medical providers that perform abortions from participating in the state's Medicaid program.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Daniel Jordan III is the latest in a string of rulings striking down similar laws elsewhere in the country against the women's health provider.

Jordan's two page order noted a ruling from the 5th U.S. District Court of Appeals that rejected a similar law in Louisiana, saying "essentially every court to consider similar laws has found that they violate" federal law."
