The lazy trumpanzees can do their own checking, but the phony Conservatives have already given the popular vote to Biden. They are hoping for another "Electoral College" miracle.
The lazy trumpanzees can do their own checking, but the phony Conservatives have already given the popular vote to Biden. They are hoping for another "Electoral College" miracle.
The lazy trumpanzees can do their own checking, but the phony Conservatives have already given the popular vote to Biden. They are hoping for another "Electoral College" miracle.
Hello Tacomaman,
If Trump wins I would call it a travesty.
The lazy trumpanzees can do their own checking, but the phony Conservatives have already given the popular vote to Biden. They are hoping for another "Electoral College" miracle.
The Electoral College must be eliminated. Why should uneducated people in flyover country where hardly anyone lives have the ability to override the popular vote?
Polls show Biden winning Electoral College.
The Electoral College must be eliminated. Why should uneducated people in flyover country where hardly anyone lives have the ability to override the popular vote?
Yes, but it is telling that the Con-servitudes are already conceding the popular vote.
Even Trump has been publicly ruminating about losing the election.
Yes he has. And I LOVE it!!!!!