Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
This guy is one of trumps mega kook supporters

Shouldn't all the trumpaneses be laying hands on their TV this morning

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Televangelist Kenneth Copeland told viewers of his ministry's program that they were "healed" of the coronavirus disease as he prayed while asking them to touch their televisions screens to receive the spiritual healing.

Copeland's bizarre message to his followers during a "special report" on his Victory channel, titled "Standing Against Coronavirus," was first reported by Right Wing Watch on Thursday. In a clip of his prayer, the Christian pastor reaches his outstretched hand toward the camera, asking viewers to draw close and touch their screens.

"Thank you, Lord Jesus. He received your healing," the religious leader said in the video, bowing his head. "Now say it: I take it. I have it. It's mine. I thank you and praise you for it."
This guy is one of trumps mega kook supporters

Shouldn't all the trumpaneses be laying hands on their TV this morning

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Televangelist Kenneth Copeland told viewers of his ministry's program that they were "healed" of the coronavirus disease as he prayed while asking them to touch their televisions screens to receive the spiritual healing.

Copeland's bizarre message to his followers during a "special report" on his Victory channel, titled "Standing Against Coronavirus," was first reported by Right Wing Watch on Thursday. In a clip of his prayer, the Christian pastor reaches his outstretched hand toward the camera, asking viewers to draw close and touch their screens.

"Thank you, Lord Jesus. He received your healing," the religious leader said in the video, bowing his head. "Now say it: I take it. I have it. It's mine. I thank you and praise you for it."

Ya think if I send Copeland a check he'll heal me?
Trump’s Megachurch Allies Promise COVID-19 Snake Oil and ‘Miracles’

Several prominent pastors tied to Donald Trump have claimed to have the power to cure the coronavirus through prayer, hyping up religious miracle cures amid the pandemic.

While many Americans have turned to prayer as the coronavirus death toll mounts, these religious leaders have gone much further, promising that they can physically cure the disease. As the public scrambles for information on the illness, these religious leaders have claimed they can solve it themselves—with one even claiming he’ll cure the entire state of Florida.

Texas minister Kenneth Copeland, who visited the White House in 2018 for a dinner for evangelical leaders, claims to have a novel delivery method for a coronavirus cure: television screens.

Appearing on the Victory Channel, which his church operates, Copeland claimed on March 12 to heal coronavirus-infected viewers who touched their TVs.

“Put your hand on that television set,” Copeland told his viewers. “Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord Jesus. He received your healing.”

A few days later, he said God had told him the pandemic would soon be over, as Christians praying all over the country had “overwhelmed it.” While Christians would save the country, he said, it was the president’s critics who “opened the door” to the pandemic with their “displays of hate” that had interfered with “divine protection.”
Ya think if I send Copeland a check he'll heal me?

Yes, but like buying tix in advance you get a discount if you watch it live.. You should double your "offering" & claim your reward while viewing the reruns @ 2AM.. They have live operators standing by in India to take your request..

I hate to admit it, but I actually saw this kook in person and met him once a long time ago.

Back in 1977 a buddy of mine went Bible thumper on me. He was going to this goofball Holy Roller church where Copeland was invited (paid) come do his routine. I say routine because that's pretty much what it was... a Bible themed comedy routine.

Lots of clever little puns, plays on scriptural words and homespun-homilies all leading up to the passing of the collection plates.

Afterwards everyone clamored around to get a meet & greet.

I was standing there, milling around waiting for my friend and I guess he figured I was one of his admirers, so we shook hands or something.
I hate to admit it, but I actually saw this kook in person and met him once a long time ago.

Back in 1977 a buddy of mine went Bible thumper on me. He was going to this goofball Holy Roller church where Copeland was invited (paid) come do his routine. I say routine because that's pretty much what it was... a Bible themed comedy routine.

Lots of clever little puns, plays on scriptural words and homespun-homilies all leading up to the passing of the collection plates.

Afterwards everyone clamored around to get a meet & greet.

I was standing there, milling around waiting for my friend and I guess he figured I was one of his admirers, so we shook hands or something.

Cool, now you don't have to worry about catching the virus..:rolleyes: lol

He is a conMAN selling grace.. THe name it & claim it gospel..
In 68 before I went into the Navy me and my buddies were in Manhattan as we usually did on the weekend , just a short subway ride from Brooklyn.
As we got off in Penn station we noticed above us in Madison square garden billy graham was having one of his "crusades" that evening and tickets were free , so for some free entertainment we went, what a freak show! hoards arrived on church buses and trains from the rube hinterlands (outside of the city and surrounding rural areas and states) and a lot of local people coming for the free show and hick watching.

It was choreographed like a Broadway show, from the music getting stronger in tempo hitting a crescendo as the buckets came out for a "love offering" lots of threats of fire and brimstone hands raised in the air and other laughable asshattery , a good night entertainment
This guy is one of trumps mega kook supporters

Shouldn't all the trumpaneses be laying hands on their TV this morning

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Televangelist Kenneth Copeland told viewers of his ministry's program that they were "healed" of the coronavirus disease as he prayed while asking them to touch their televisions screens to receive the spiritual healing.

Copeland's bizarre message to his followers during a "special report" on his Victory channel, titled "Standing Against Coronavirus," was first reported by Right Wing Watch on Thursday. In a clip of his prayer, the Christian pastor reaches his outstretched hand toward the camera, asking viewers to draw close and touch their screens.

"Thank you, Lord Jesus. He received your healing," the religious leader said in the video, bowing his head. "Now say it: I take it. I have it. It's mine. I thank you and praise you for it."

This guy is one of trumps mega kook supporters

Shouldn't all the trumpaneses be laying hands on their TV this morning

roll the video

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland told viewers of his ministry's program that they were "healed" of the coronavirus disease as he prayed while asking them to touch their televisions screens to receive the spiritual healing.

Copeland's bizarre message to his followers during a "special report" on his Victory channel, titled "Standing Against Coronavirus," was first reported by Right Wing Watch on Thursday. In a clip of his prayer, the Christian pastor reaches his outstretched hand toward the camera, asking viewers to draw close and touch their screens.

"Thank you, Lord Jesus. He received your healing," the religious leader said in the video, bowing his head. "Now say it: I take it. I have it. It's mine. I thank you and praise you for it."

Ken Copeland is a fraud, most intelligent people know that.

Nothing to see here, move alomg.
What exactly makes Kenneth Copeland a "conservative"? He's been a known huckster in conservative Christian circles for literally decades. My late mother in law, a Democrat, was a fan of Copeland. pruno, as usual, has no idea what he's talking about.
This guy is one of trumps mega kook supporters

Shouldn't all the trumpaneses be laying hands on their TV this morning

roll the video

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland told viewers of his ministry's program that they were "healed" of the coronavirus disease as he prayed while asking them to touch their televisions screens to receive the spiritual healing.

Copeland's bizarre message to his followers during a "special report" on his Victory channel, titled "Standing Against Coronavirus," was first reported by Right Wing Watch on Thursday. In a clip of his prayer, the Christian pastor reaches his outstretched hand toward the camera, asking viewers to draw close and touch their screens.

"Thank you, Lord Jesus. He received your healing," the religious leader said in the video, bowing his head. "Now say it: I take it. I have it. It's mine. I thank you and praise you for it."

Why are you bashing your devout Evangelical Jew loving base?
Question of the Day
When Kenneth and Gloria started their journey of faith they had questions too—lots of them! So, we've compiled the most frequently asked questions by people like you—people who earnestly desire to find God's answers to the practical, real-life challenges of everyday living. We have a new question every day, so check back often!

Read by Day
April 26

June 4

Q: How is Israel important today?
God has always had a plan for the nation of Israel, and we can see in Romans 1:16 that even after Jesus had paid the price for man’s sin, God still made special reference to the Jews. Understanding why requires that we realize that God sees three distinct groups of people in the world—the Jews, the Gentiles (people who aren’t Christians) and the Church. And each have a unique role (see 1 Corinthians 10:32).

Because of Abram’s obedience, God established an everlasting covenant with him and his seed (Genesis 12:1-3,17:7). Continuing even to today, the Jews have a special destiny and place in God’s plan. He calls them the apple of His eye, and as such they hold a tender spot in His heart (Zechariah 2:8).

The role the Jews have today might seem like a mystery, but Paul helps us understand God’s plan in Romans 11:25-33. Paul shows us we have been shown mercy from God, in part, because of the obedience of the Jews. While it is true that many Jewish people have stumbled in the area of receiving Jesus as Messiah (Romans 9:32), we must not consider them to be just another race of unbelievers.

The Jews not only were, but still are God’s chosen people (Deuteronomy 7:6)—His covenant with them has not changed. He will ensure that they will fulfill their destiny in Him. It is important to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)
What exactly makes Kenneth Copeland a "conservative"? He's been a known huckster in conservative Christian circles for literally decades. My late mother in law, a Democrat, was a fan of Copeland. pruno, as usual, has no idea what he's talking about.

He's a fraud, therefore he cannot be a conservative. :laugh: