Cute but irrelevant...
How is it irrelevant?
Someone pulls a fast one on the internet and gets a tard to bite. That's pretty irrelevant I'd say...
Not irrelevant.
Well, that would leave Congress and 99% of Democrats out of the process...
Not irrelevant.
Not irrelevant.
You don't need to be a firearms expert to know that gun homicide rate are very high in America and that something needs to be done.
We're all ears...
You don't need to be a firearms expert to know that gun homicide rate are very high in America and that something needs to be done.
Apparently not, because we've been telling you for decades that we need stricter gun laws.
We don't need all of America to suddenly turn into Chicago.
I was thinking more of Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, etc. The more developed parts of the world. I would never want to emulate a third-world American city like Chicago.