Conservative self-owns

Someone pulls a fast one on the internet and gets a tard to bite. That's pretty irrelevant I'd say...

Not irrelevant.

You don't need to be a firearms expert to know that gun homicide rate are very high in America and that something needs to be done.

The disagreement is on what. Dipshits like you generally think banning guns would solve the problem, it won't and the proof is in other nation's with strict gun controls still having significant rates of homicide even if it isn't using a gun.
The solution is arresting criminals and punishing the fuck out of them for starters. You're a criminal with a gun? Go to prison for 10 to 20 years to think your mistake over. When criminal possession of a firearm isn't worth the social and economic cost that results, criminals will stop frivolously carrying guns and using them.

Taking firearms from the law abiding does nothing. That's a good starting place.