Let's go through this list:
Being patriotic (and Conservative)
Supporting the United States government
This is chock full of qualifiers. For a Conservative, more government is not something they would support. Big government is anti-thematic to Conservative values. Certainly a government that has bloated Socialist and Social-welfare programs galore are equally opposed by Conservatives.
So, on the whole, this is a very qualified position.
Supporting our clandestine intelligence services over foreign agencies
Okay, so what's your point? The Democrats prefer these to do domestic spying and (as with the Steele dossier) prefer foreign agencies work with them.
Supporting the US taking a robust leading role in international affairs, IGOs
This is untrue. Conservatives are not globalists nor are they highly supportive of IGO's like the UN, WHO, World Court, IMF, etc. Those most supportive of these things are Leftists and Progressives.
Supporting science and scientists and scientific opinion
Another one that needs qualification. Conservatives support science and scientists when there is discourse and consideration of all positions on a subject. Unqualified support of science and scientists occurs on the Left and with Progressives who also will regularly shout down any opposed position, eg., "The science is settled!"
Supporting democracy at home and abroad
Agreed. That would be a Conservative position.
Supporting democratic governments and opposing autocratic and despotic ones
Agreed. The converse is often true of the Left and Progressives as a note.
Very qualified statement. Conservatives absolutely abhor
legislating from the bench something the more Progressive Leftist branch of the judiciary practices widely and regularly. Thus, Conservatives rail against the way gay marriage was legalized. In that case, 35 states had democratically voted against it and in some even changed their constitution (including California) to ban it. Yet, the courts ruled in favor of it mostly by Progressive and Leftist judges.
Enjoying the cultural influence of Hollywood and homegrown culture
That was when Hollywood wasn't nearly monolithically Progressive Leftist. From the 40's to the 80's there was a considerable number of veterans and Conservatives in Hollywood, including many prominent actors / actresses. Since then, that number has declined to near zero.
Supporting public education and an informed populous
Conservatives still do. The problem is pubic education is overrun today with Progressive Leftists spewing idiocy that has created a semi-literate to illiterate population. So much so, that many universities and colleges now offer remedial courses to bring freshmen up to college level work because they're so unlearned from their pathetic public school education.
Supporting professionalism and ethics in journalism
Hard for a Conservative to support journalism when the MSM is 80 to 90% Progressive Leftist, Liberal, and Democrat.
Applauding merit and exceptionalism
They still do this.
Supporting reservation of a pristine wilderness
With Conservatives, this is very qualified. They as a rule don't see federal land as something that should sit fallow for the most part. That would be Progressive Leftist environmentalists. Conservatives would argue for "best use" rather than "pristine wilderness."
Valuing fidelity within the family
That is a Conservative value.
Safeguarding the population from pandemic
No, Conservatives would argue that the best safeguard is individual responsibility rather than government fiat. An indicator of this is that as you move Right, the wearing of masks is less supported, closing down the economy becomes unsupported. These things are most supported by the Progressive Left.
Safeguarding the elderly both financially by social security and by caring for their health and welfare
That would be a Progressive Leftist value. Conservatives would say that you are responsible for your financial security and health, not the government or society.
What the fuck happened? How did you ALL become so persistently, pervasively and deviently deplorable, evil and stupid?
I can see that as usual, the Progressive Left doesn't have a clue what the Right / Conservatives are thinking and saying.