Conservatives Are In Denial About White Supremacy

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Recognizing the role of ideology in attacks like the Poway synagogue shooting would require them to grapple with their own complicity.

Recognizing the rising tide of white extremism means grappling with its origins, and that in turn would require American conservatives to deal with their own complicity. The Republican Party is now run by people, including the President and members of Congress, who endorse conspiracy theories about, for example, George Soros paying Central American migrants to “storm” the United States border and vote in our elections. The party’s full-time propaganda network, Fox News, devotes its primetime programming to whipping up its viewers’ fears of a migrant “invasion”
The illegal invasion exists since your brain is obviously too frozen up your back side to recognize the simple fact. It's not a mere theory when it is factually happening whether it is Soros behind it or not but funny he has been called out for meddling in other countries.

This is what they do, encourage sick illegal activity while attempting to make criminals out of citizens for being against such sick and inexcusable behavior.

