Conservatives aren't going to stop with abortion, and this draft opinion proves it

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
It likely means women imprisoned for suspected abortions. It almost surely means women killed or injured from attempts at self-induced abortions. And an end to legal abortion means, obviously, more women forced to carry pregnancies they did not want and some of those women having to raise children they cannot afford or were not prepared to have.
It affects the individuals forced to continue pregnancies, endure childbirth and either raise children or make the often difficult (and, since Roe, increasingly rare) choice to place them up for adoption. But restrictive abortion laws affect all of us, pregnant or not. They feed into a culture of misogyny, one in which all women are denied the most basic rights of bodily autonomy and self-determination, and are treated primarily as vessels for childbearing, not autonomous human beings.

More forced childbearing, particularly in a country with so little help for mothers -- no federally-mandated paid parental leave, no universal child care, insufficient protections against workplace discrimination -- means many, many women forced out of the paid workforce, giving up their dreams and poorer for the rest of their lives. And it impacts everyone: Their children and families, but also the population more broadly.
A country in which more women are forced out of the public, political and economic spheres is a country in which men dominate those spheres, to the detriment of all women and equality more broadly. It is a country that loses out, where untold numbers of women simply never reach their potential: Never create their art, never invent the new technology, never make the new discovery, never write their book or run for office or claw their way out of poverty or leave an abusive man.
It likely means women imprisoned for suspected abortions. It almost surely means women killed or injured from attempts at self-induced abortions. And an end to legal abortion means, obviously, more women forced to carry pregnancies they did not want and some of those women having to raise children they cannot afford or were not prepared to have.
It affects the individuals forced to continue pregnancies, endure childbirth and either raise children or make the often difficult (and, since Roe, increasingly rare) choice to place them up for adoption. But restrictive abortion laws affect all of us, pregnant or not. They feed into a culture of misogyny, one in which all women are denied the most basic rights of bodily autonomy and self-determination, and are treated primarily as vessels for childbearing, not autonomous human beings.

More forced childbearing, particularly in a country with so little help for mothers -- no federally-mandated paid parental leave, no universal child care, insufficient protections against workplace discrimination -- means many, many women forced out of the paid workforce, giving up their dreams and poorer for the rest of their lives. And it impacts everyone: Their children and families, but also the population more broadly.
A country in which more women are forced out of the public, political and economic spheres is a country in which men dominate those spheres, to the detriment of all women and equality more broadly. It is a country that loses out, where untold numbers of women simply never reach their potential: Never create their art, never invent the new technology, never make the new discovery, never write their book or run for office or claw their way out of poverty or leave an abusive man.

Is this what it was like before Roe?
It likely means women imprisoned for suspected abortions. It almost surely means women killed or injured from attempts at self-induced abortions. And an end to legal abortion means, obviously, more women forced to carry pregnancies they did not want and some of those women having to raise children they cannot afford or were not prepared to have.
It affects the individuals forced to continue pregnancies, endure childbirth and either raise children or make the often difficult (and, since Roe, increasingly rare) choice to place them up for adoption. But restrictive abortion laws affect all of us, pregnant or not. They feed into a culture of misogyny, one in which all women are denied the most basic rights of bodily autonomy and self-determination, and are treated primarily as vessels for childbearing, not autonomous human beings.

More forced childbearing, particularly in a country with so little help for mothers -- no federally-mandated paid parental leave, no universal child care, insufficient protections against workplace discrimination -- means many, many women forced out of the paid workforce, giving up their dreams and poorer for the rest of their lives. And it impacts everyone: Their children and families, but also the population more broadly.
A country in which more women are forced out of the public, political and economic spheres is a country in which men dominate those spheres, to the detriment of all women and equality more broadly. It is a country that loses out, where untold numbers of women simply never reach their potential: Never create their art, never invent the new technology, never make the new discovery, never write their book or run for office or claw their way out of poverty or leave an abusive man.

Well, you certainly know all of the talking points of the extremist left.

The only consideration is this: Is medical care mandated by the Constitution or is it not mandated by the Constitution?

If it is not, then it is a States' Rights issue.

This decision, as I understand it and as Alito described IN HIS OPINION, is pretty specific and very narrow in both its intent and its application.

Pretty much everything you post here is not founded in fact or reality.
It likely means women imprisoned for suspected abortions. It almost surely means women killed or injured from attempts at self-induced abortions. And an end to legal abortion means, obviously, more women forced to carry pregnancies they did not want and some of those women having to raise children they cannot afford or were not prepared to have.
It affects the individuals forced to continue pregnancies, endure childbirth and either raise children or make the often difficult (and, since Roe, increasingly rare) choice to place them up for adoption. But restrictive abortion laws affect all of us, pregnant or not. They feed into a culture of misogyny, one in which all women are denied the most basic rights of bodily autonomy and self-determination, and are treated primarily as vessels for childbearing, not autonomous human beings.

More forced childbearing, particularly in a country with so little help for mothers -- no federally-mandated paid parental leave, no universal child care, insufficient protections against workplace discrimination -- means many, many women forced out of the paid workforce, giving up their dreams and poorer for the rest of their lives. And it impacts everyone: Their children and families, but also the population more broadly.
A country in which more women are forced out of the public, political and economic spheres is a country in which men dominate those spheres, to the detriment of all women and equality more broadly. It is a country that loses out, where untold numbers of women simply never reach their potential: Never create their art, never invent the new technology, never make the new discovery, never write their book or run for office or claw their way out of poverty or leave an abusive man.

I thought jews were sposta be smart.
load of horse shit from a shit stain loser

this movement was a big tent. One large part of this tent is people that respect our constitution and why it was written and the purpose it was written

In 1973, this was a reach. it never stopped being a reach - the power to do this does not belong to the federal government

yes - authoritarians will try to force their views down on every state - just as you did. The movement will change - and those people will become a minority. I will not stand with those assholes, but you did and do.

Right now the assholes on the left (you) and the assholes on the extreme right may need to form a new coalition party -and try to get an amendment passed so you can be assholes again forcing your views at the federal level
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