"low cognitiveability may be related to conservative syndrome (or con-servatism, for short) which, in turn, is defined in terms ofmeasures of personality, social attitudes, values, and socialnorms. There are two ways to arrive at this assumption. First,we can assume that cognitive ability affects conservatismdirectly. Thus, the perceived threat may vary depending oncognitive level —sources of threat such as complexity, novelty,and ambiguity may be more threatening to those who scorelow as opposed to those who score high on cognitive test"
"low cognitiveability may be related to conservative syndrome (or con-servatism, for short) which, in turn, is defined in terms ofmeasures of personality, social attitudes, values, and socialnorms. There are two ways to arrive at this assumption. First,we can assume that cognitive ability affects conservatismdirectly. Thus, the perceived threat may vary depending oncognitive level —sources of threat such as complexity, novelty,and ambiguity may be more threatening to those who scorelow as opposed to those who score high on cognitive test"