Conservatives fight with ‘woke’ history leads to a nation of imbecilic citizens

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
At present, there is a cultural war over the ingredients of history. Which facts should be taught, and which ignored? Selected facts of African American history have been deemed too dangerous for the hearts and minds of young people to intellectually ingest. Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida has called these historical ingredients “woke,” which means for him and many conservative Republicans something morbidly obese intellectually.

DeSantis was concerned with the new Advanced Placement course focusing on African American history. The dialectic or clash between how DeSantis and other conservatives want to cherry pick history and the truth that should be taught, as argued by the Black intellectual community or what W.E.B. DuBois called “The Talented Tenth,” rages on with the cultural wars. These Black thinkers label Nat Turner as a Black freedom fighter, whereas DeSantis and his crew of like conservatives label Turner as a “menace to society” who should be deleted from the AP course. The struggle over the historical past between the forces of light and darkness has been real since the NAACP organized a 1915 boycott of the racist, a historical film, “Birth of a Nation.”

One should keep in mind the ignorance visited upon American students when the historical truth is hidden from them and let history be their guide. In the 1960s, the young white students of the “counter-culture” movement became angry when they learned about the poverty in what author Michael Harrington called, “The Other America.” The students, isolated in the new 1950s “vanilla suburbs” of endless whiteness, became “awoke” to Harrington’s description of poverty on the other side of the proverbial tracks. Coupled with the awokeness resulting from the glaring war in Vietnam and the King-led Civil Rights movement, this awoke generation demanded a relevant education system that would advance their minds.
When you don't learn the real history

You don't learn the real lesson history has to teach
When a person in power doesn't want to you to learn the real history

It means they want you to manipulate you
They want to keep the truth from our kids so they can create a future that results in more of their ideology.