APP - Conservatives going about ending abortion the wrong way

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Trying to take out Roe v Wade is the wrong way to end abortion. For one, given what he did on Obamacare, I don't see John Roberts being the one to undo Roe v Wade. By taking it on that way would be a public relations nightmare.

Here is the way to gut Roe v Wade without taking it on directly

1) Keep instituting high healthcare standards for all facilities performing abortions. Hold up the Clinton "legal, rare and safe". Focus on the SAFE part. It is going to be hard for leftists to argue against safe abortions. Ramp up inspections in abortion clinics and cite them for any violation

2) Tax the hell out of abortions. Impose a 25% tax on all abortions and use the proceeds to fund HIV research and the schools.

Leftist can't oppose raising taxes. It is in their DNA. Do those things and abortion mills will close down one by one
Trying to take out Roe v Wade is the wrong way to end abortion. For one, given what he did on Obamacare, I don't see John Roberts being the one to undo Roe v Wade. By taking it on that way would be a public relations nightmare.

Here is the way to gut Roe v Wade without taking it on directly

1) Keep instituting high healthcare standards for all facilities performing abortions. Hold up the Clinton "legal, rare and safe". Focus on the SAFE part. It is going to be hard for leftists to argue against safe abortions. Ramp up inspections in abortion clinics and cite them for any violation

2) Tax the hell out of abortions. Impose a 25% tax on all abortions and use the proceeds to fund HIV research and the schools.

Leftist can't oppose raising taxes. It is in their DNA. Do those things and abortion mills will close down one by one


But I want DEMOCRATS to abort their future.
I think the big mistake is that the time frame of 6 weeks is too short. Most gals won't know if they are preggy until later. The Original Roe allowed three months.

Then the no provisions for rape/ incest thing. These are genetic defects IMO and shouldn't be propagated. Kill them fuckers before they pop out and create problems.