APP - Conservatives need to walk away from Facebook and Twitter en masse



Hopefully this will be the start of a greater trend. It distresses me that republicans are calling for more regulations against Twitter and Facebook. Some have even gone so far as to recommend bringing anti trust lawsuits against them. Yes, Twitter and Facebook censor conservative speech. Everyone knows that. Everyone has known for a long time that the left "owned" social media.

They didn't really start clamping down on Conservatives until we figured out a way to use their tools against them and win the 2016 election. Now they are in total gestapo mode trying to quell any alternative to leftist group think. Fine. It is their platform. We don't have a right to use it.

The answer isn't more regulation. The answer is walking away from them. The answer is realizing that we have more power over them than they do over us. I don't use either platform and I have no problems getting information that I want to see.

There was a life before social media. Just like there was life before the telephone.

This should be the REAL #Walkaway movement.
Yeah I'd love to see some of that guys posts which totally didn't violate the rules of the platform he chose to post on

Conservatives can barely open their mouths without asking for a million people to be brutally slaughtered, literally hatred flows through their veins instead of blood. It should be obvious why every platform they've ever been too considers them a problem population. Some people just statistically have a much higher probability of spewing hate speech. Apparently conservative want affirmative action though, they want to put quotas on it, you can only ban this many conservatives if you banned this many liberals. Despite the fact that liberal speech is largely inoffensive and reasonable, compared to rightist totalitarians.