Considering the 45 honeymoon from hell is over, where will the tyrant go from here?


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Despite how hard 45's anti-American and anti government conspiring kissers stick up for the fake so-called president, Russian puppet and criminal against humanity, where will the felonious 45 demagogue go from here at realistically crapping out his relationship with America and the civilized part of humanity? 45 has basically turned the republican party into sh!t and basically turned his already criminal legacy into rotted sh!t. So what does this imposter and fraud 45 have left at holding onto, unless some likes holding on to a skunk peeing all over them. Yet the 45 kissers cannot say they were not warned as a result of U.S. Constitutional law creating the now disgraced electoral college from electing demagogues and tyrants like tRump.

"Demagogues have been a problem for democracy for 25 centuries, at least since the populist Cleon persuaded his fellow Athenians to slaughter every man in the city of Mytilene as punishment for a failed revolt. Of that particular demagogue, Aristotle wrote: “He was the first who shouted on the public platform, who used abusive language, and who spoke with his cloak girt around him, while all the others used to speak in proper dress and manner.”

What History Teaches Us About Demagogues Like The Donald. By Zócalo Public Square is a magazine of ideas from Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise. Retrieved from time .com /4375262/history-demagogues-donald-trump/
The former PM of Peru blew his brains out when he saw the police arriving to arrest him .

Someone give drumpf a pistol - and bullets - AND FAST!
Just another flaming example of brainwashed leftist zombie-ism, obsession and possession!

Every sane American should take note that they never deliver a dime's worth of evidence that Trump is a Russian puppet, a criminal against humanity, how he's turned the Republican Party to shit, why he's an "imposter President & fraud," or why he's disgraced the electoral college. Their every preposterous argument about Trump is simply unfounded, unproven accusations and filthy childish insults. The only honest and rational explanation for such folks is they've become captured by an anti-Christ, anti-Trump religious cult founded and proliferated by the fake news CNN & MSNBC & others in the lame stream neo-communist, socialist, leftist media.
Once he's out of office (soon!), he is like any other citizen and he can be indicted.

What will trump look like in prison, old and bald with no orange face paint?

Just another flaming example of brainwashed leftist zombie-ism, obsession and possession!

Every sane American should take note that they never deliver a dime's worth of evidence that Trump is a Russian puppet, a criminal against humanity, how he's turned the Republican Party to shit, why he's an "imposter President & fraud," or why he's disgraced the electoral college. Their every preposterous argument about Trump is simply unfounded, unproven accusations and filthy childish insults. The only honest and rational explanation for such folks is they've become captured by an anti-Christ, anti-Trump religious cult founded and proliferated by the fake news CNN & MSNBC & others in the lame stream neo-communist, socialist, leftist media.

You've swallowed all the lies
Despite how hard 45's anti-American and anti government conspiring kissers stick up for the fake so-called president, Russian puppet and criminal against humanity, where will the felonious 45 demagogue go from here at realistically crapping out his relationship with America and the civilized part of humanity? 45 has basically turned the republican party into sh!t and basically turned his already criminal legacy into rotted sh!t. So what does this imposter and fraud 45 have left at holding onto, unless some likes holding on to a skunk peeing all over them. Yet the 45 kissers cannot say they were not warned as a result of U.S. Constitutional law creating the now disgraced electoral college from electing demagogues and tyrants like tRump.

"Demagogues have been a problem for democracy for 25 centuries, at least since the populist Cleon persuaded his fellow Athenians to slaughter every man in the city of Mytilene as punishment for a failed revolt. Of that particular demagogue, Aristotle wrote: “He was the first who shouted on the public platform, who used abusive language, and who spoke with his cloak girt around him, while all the others used to speak in proper dress and manner.”

What History Teaches Us About Demagogues Like The Donald. By Zócalo Public Square is a magazine of ideas from Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise. Retrieved from time .com /4375262/history-demagogues-donald-trump/



Your skank of a so-called president has already peed on civilization like the skunk he is, and especially doing another golden skunk pee number on his dumbass kisser supporters.