Conspiracy Reality


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In the Book of Enoch, chapters 6 - 21, Enoch the Prophet speaks of an order of Angels known as the Watchers. These Angels were created by the Lord for the specific purpose of overseeing Creation. Whether they inhabited a physical place in the solar system, or not, is open to debate. I personally believe they inhabited the Moon. Regardless, these beings couldn't keep their eyes off human women, and decided to seduce them. The women believed these men were gods and gladly received them. Their offspring, known as the Nephilim, had a genetic defect which resulted in gigantism. Many of these creatures were 30 feet tall, or even taller. Giant skeletons have been discovered across the globe and continue to perplex scientists.

Anyway, this abomination was put to an end with the Flood. Or was it? Unforunately, this did not stop Satan's plan. Angels continued to rebel. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they found it was inhabited by Giants. These Giants, of course, were Nephilim.

Over time, somehow the Nephilim found out how to remove the defect causing gigantism (perhaps via selective breeding). Nephilim continue to inhabit the Earth to this very day. Many of the prominent families, such as the Kennedys and the Rothchilds, are actually Nephilim.

The tradition of a king's "divine right to rule," and succession via bloodlines, and god-man monarchs, began when angels had sex with mortal women and begat enormous children. That is where the legend begins.

EDIT: it should be noted that the Nephilim which were killed in the flood became demons, which roam the Earth and cause havoc. This is according to Enoch. The disembodied Nephilim can manifest themselves as physical beings and, when working together, manipulate their environment. Shadow People are disembodied Nephilim. Shadow People have been known to attack people. These bastards are tricky if you aren't right with the Lord. If you are a believer, rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ. It will flee. If it returns, rebuke it again. Eventually the Shadow Person will tire of being defeated and move on to a more vulnerable victim.
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Accurate Mythological stories ?
sort of contradictory there.

Unless you accept that a myth could be a true story, yet unproven. Your multimodal thinking should be able to handle this kind of flexibility. Oh wait, you're only flexible in defense of terrorism. My bad.
Unless you accept that a myth could be a true story, yet unproven. Your multimodal thinking should be able to handle this kind of flexibility. Oh wait, you're only flexible in defense of terrorism. My bad.

Illogic there AHZ. I accept those stories as not probably true , but have a possibliity of some truth. Myths often have some small basis for truth, but have been convoluted over the years.
If you search for Greek Mythology, you will find that the those stories are generally categorized as myths. Your acceptance of them as fact is not the norm, but far outside the norm.
Illogic there AHZ. I accept those stories as not probably true , but have a possibliity of some truth. Myths often have some small basis for truth, but have been convoluted over the years.
If you search for Greek Mythology, you will find that the those stories are generally categorized as myths. Your acceptance of them as fact is not the norm, but far outside the norm.

The possibility of truth in a myth? contradictory there. :)
You just love to argue and would argue with a rock AHZ. But then perhaps I would too since I am argueing with you , hmm have to modify that behaviour.
Fare thee well AHZ, you have earned my mental ignore function.
Discusstions with you are useless from my point of view. I have labled you as a rock and therefore a waste of my time to argue with.
Fare thee well AHZ, you have earned my mental ignore function.
Discusstions with you are useless from my point of view. I have labled you as a rock and therefore a waste of my time to argue with.

I will continue to comment on your pseudointellectual commentary, if you don't mind.:clink:

When did you turn into such a little bitch?
David kilt em all with rocks :rolleyes:

a person of above average height today would have been a giant in olden times.
NBA world of giants :D
Augustine, Do you actually believe these myths?

I was worried when you said that you thought these 'angels' live on the moon.... lol
Augustine, Do you actually believe these myths?

I was worried when you said that you thought these 'angels' live on the moon.... lol
Hey, just because they are phased into the fifth dimension and we can't see them doesn't make them not real! Just like the fairies in your garden! Dork.

This sounds like Greek gods stories.

Greek mythology originates (mostly) from actual history. Sumerian records attest to this fact. Heck, the Sumerians knew all about a brown dwarf ("dark star") called Nibiru, along with the planets of the outer solar system. There are many satanic forces which currently reside on the moons of Nibiru, including the final Pope, "Petrus Romanus." The last time these children of Hell passed through the solar system was about 3,600 years ago. Within 50 years, they'll come back for a final loop. The "gods" will return to Earth and establish the New World Order, under the rule of Mabus (a Nephilim) and the Roman Antichrist (the false prophet). The entire world will be united in common worship of Isis, the Queen of Heaven.

1,007 years later, they'll be cast into the lake of fire...
Anyold, you realize that Augustine is Brent don't you ?

Yeah, and I realise he believes whatever his priests tell him, but I just wanted to see how far from any modicum of reality he has gone....
There are many satanic forces which currently reside on the moons of Nibiru, including the final Pope, "Petrus Romanus." The last time these children of Hell passed through the solar system was about 3,600 years ago. Within 50 years, they'll come back for a final loop. The "gods" will return to Earth and establish the New World Order, under the rule of Mabus (a Nephilim) and the Roman Antichrist (the false prophet). The entire world will be united in common worship of Isis, the Queen of Heaven.

"For the demon shall bear a nine-bladed sword. Nine-bladed! Not two or five or seven, but nine, which he will wield on all wretched sinners, sinners just like you, sir, there, and the horns shall be on the head, with which he will... "