Conspiracy Theories and the Corporate Links.....Unavoidable.


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
I NEVER call a Conspiracy Theory a lie until I've looked at the information. Sadly, I've seen to much information I want to call Conspiracy Theories "Undocumented Theories" instead. What gets me about Conspiracy Theories is the driving force. Political parties hate each other and if they can't prove something they want to paint the opposing party as a "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist". Both parties do it and it generally ends up getting forgotten because there is no proof.......and Mainstream media does not report if there is not proof.

I've studied nearly ever Conspiracy Theory and truly believe most of them are fact. The only reason they are discussed as a lie is because people don't know exactly why someone would do such a thing.

SO many Conspiracy Theories are blamed on small organizations, because the masses don't know why the Government would make such bad decisions if not controlled by an Organization.

The Truth?

Yes. I believe lots of CT's are true. I believe every word of the documentaries that hold an abundance of information. But what I know, that no one else I've talked to doesn' that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has links to Corporate Corruption in America.

If you ever take time to watch Illuminati YouTube Video's and assume a possible Corporate will advance to KING political discussion.
If you are sold on a Conspiracy Theory.......use your brain and try to figure out what Corporation profited. Easy.
I reject the term conspiracy theory. They are are facts. The U.N. is real and verifiable. The CFR is real and verifiable. Central Bankers are real and verifiable. Globalization as the most dominant meme in academia is verifiable. Those who argue irrationally with conspiracy factualists do so just because they feel they are personally incented enough by the current system to do so. Or they cannot face that authority figures would do bad things.
There is no doubt about Jamie Dimon and the infamous always busted JPMorgan are involved in every time of monetary and financial scam and conspiracy know to mankind. They just got busted AGAIN and of course just another fine in the billions after they stole billions more, meanwhile they will put some broke drunk that cant make 200.00 bail in jail go figure