Conspiracy Theories by FounderChurch


"I Bring You Life!"
FIRST OF ALL: FC believes every single Conspiracy theory is actually totally true. Now knowing this to be true is fine, but saying anything about it is counter productive. It is just not very useful to go around saying that anything is a conspiracy. It doesn't help to get rid of the Conspiracy, but rather helps it and protects it from its natural enemies.

Exposing the Conspiracy doesn't help to stop the conspiracy. It doesn't help to expose it. It doesn't help to stop it or to get rid of it. Exposing the conspiracy ONLY helps the conspirators. So, those who spend a lot of sweat, money and energy promulgating the truthful facts of the particular conspiracy are actually the best allies the actual conspirators have.

They couldn't get away with what they conspire to do without the help of those who run around "exposing" them in every way possible, at every possible turn. Sounds fantastic, and it is in a way, but you can test this theory if you want to.

Just think: We all know that the Federal Reserve was, and is, a conspiracy by a few, (maybe even Jewish) rich bankers designed to rob the nation and take the power of our government for themselves and their posterity.

We all know that, and would like to get rid of the pesky thing, and probably could get rid of it, if only we could stop it from being exposed all the time by our friendly Conspiracy theorists.

Every time we get close to getting rid of the Fed, the Fed Conspirators simply point to all the nuts that are exposing them, and Congress and all the rest of the normal responsible people come over onto the Fed's side. The reasoning of these good people is that if the Conspiracy Theorists believe that the Fed is a Conspiracy, then it must not be a conspiracy.

The Conspiracy theorists therefore keep the Fed safe and sound and out of the reach of its potential enemies that actually could stop it and get rid of it. See how that works. Now, apply that same line of reasoning to every Conspiracy that you know about, and you will see that it is true all the time.

Now one more thing that must be brought up is that there are some smart people who make tons of money by becoming professional Conspiracy Theorists. It's like they work for the Conspiracies and in a way they do. Of course the losers are the people of the world, and the nation, and the individuals who are hurt, because we have failed to get rid of these actual Conspiracies. Also hurt the most are poor sucker unpaid rank and file Conspiracy Theorists. They get nothing except a ruined life and a possible life sentence in jail, or confinement in a mental institution. So Sad!

Comments? What have we not gotten right here? Straighten us out and let us know. FC hates to be wrong, so set all of us right on this. Love y'all! :good4u:
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