Convert the European Union into the Roman Union, reestablish the Roman Empire


So, I propose that instead of focusing on merely europe, we should have bigger ambitions, and reunify all of the Romantis. That means that we should conquer Morrocco, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, the PLO, Lebanon, and Turkey. Of course, the division between Christianity and Islam that has been imposed in the past millenia is a dividing factor. So, we should do away with both religions, and reembrace the Gods of old. As emperor, I naturally propose myself. I will also send an army into the Vatican and execute the usurper of the title of Pontifex Maximum, taking it for myself, so becoming the high priest of the new revived Pagan religion of the empire, and furthermore reuniting all of the new capital under my rule. England is a problem, because they hate European unity. To do away with this problem, I propose that England be divided into Southern Scotland, Eastern Wales, and Cornwall, bringing it back to its Gaelic roots, and that all Anglo-Saxons be deported back to their homelands in Germany and Denmark, preferably as slaves (we will reestablish that old Roman tradition as well). They will form a minority, and so shouldn't be a problem.

After becoming Emperor of the new Roman empire, I will reestablish Latin as the new universal language as well. All Imperial officials will have to speak in this tongue, and it will be required for advancement in the new Roman Union. Also, I will begin an invasion of Iraq, Syria, and Jordan, establishing the area as the province of Mesopamia, Assyria, and Babylonia, to enforce Trajans old claim on the region. Then, I will invade the Arabian peniunsala, reviving Augustus's old claim on Arabia Felix, and make it a province of Rome as well. Naturally, after this, Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan would be the next targets. After conquering them, I will establish myself as the new Shah of the Persian empire, and impose Zoroastarianism on my new subjects, becoming the prophet of this religion in those lands

Then I will invade Russia up to the Urals, establishing that as my defensible borders. I will take the title of General Secretary of the Communist Party to rule over this lands, and all land east of the Elbe and north of the Danube (besides Dacia) will go under the jurisdiction of this newly reestablished Soviet Union. I will also become the High Priest of Marxist-Leninism. Scandanavia itself will remain under Roman jurisdiction, besides Finland, which will be subjugated to the Soviet Union to take vengeance on them and restore the honor of the Soviet Union after their defeat in the Soviet-Finnish war.

And so, that is my proposed division of these lands between Rome, Persia, and the Soviet Union. Does this seem like a good idea? Y/N?
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I call dibs on Ireland/Scotland. Uniting the Gaelic crowns is enough for me.

Well, I suppose we should just reunite Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall into the Kingdom of Brittania, a new province that includes Hibernia and Caledonia as well as the old Roman Brittania. I'll give you the Kingship there. We can also divide off Bretony from Francia, and you can be Duke of Bretony as well.
By stopping at the Urals, I keep a defensible border, but I lose Siberia. But who the fuck wants Siberia. The Russians can keep it for all I care. They're probably the only peoples in history stupid enough to think "Man, owning Siberia is a good idea". I mean, the Chinese were literally directly south of it for thousands of years, and they were smart enough to just keep the fuck away and leave it to some Kahn or something to ride around with their horses and freeze to death occasionally. Only the Russians were crazy enough to take the place.
By stopping at the Urals, I keep a defensible border, but I lose Siberia. But who the fuck wants Siberia. The Russians can keep it for all I care. They're probably the only peoples in history stupid enough to think "Man, owning Siberia is a good idea". I mean, the Chinese were literally directly south of it for thousands of years, and they were smart enough to just keep the fuck away and leave it to some Kahn or something to ride around with their horses and freeze to death occasionally. Only the Russians were crazy enough to take the place.

It has vast natural resource wealth. If anything I'd colonize it solely for that. We can send the English there to work the mines.
Just make the Church of England the official religion, because people take that about as seriously as most Romans were taking the official Roman religion, and it's easier because it currenty exists. Plus, the Monarch is the official head of the Church, so it's even easier. As a Catholic, this isn't even all that less offensive to me than Roman paganism, either.
Just make the Church of England the official religion, because people take that about as seriously as most Romans were taking the official Roman religion, and it's easier because it currenty exists. Plus, the Monarch is the official head of the Church, so it's even easier. As a Catholic, this isn't even all that less offensive to me than Roman paganism, either.

Ridiculous Christo-chauvinism. Yes, the Greco-Romans took their religion seriously. No, you can't see that, but newsflash, we find it difficult to understand how you can swallow the bullshit that is your religion as well.

I mean, the Gods of Old worked. You've been worshiping the same Gods for as long as anyone can remember, and you build the greatest civilization the world has ever seen, besides perhaps that of the Chinese. Then you switch over to this newfangled Christian bullshit, and almost immediately everything falls to shit. If that didn't alert the Christian idiots of the time period that the new God didn't work and wasn't protecting them, I don't know what would. When the west abandoned it's tradition, abandoned morality and the ways of its ancestors, and embraced this Christian idioicy, was when the west died. It's only in recent times we've been able to reconstruct something even close to the west again, and that's largely been by abandoning Christianity and embracing reason. I assume that Apollo accepts the scientists sacrifice of time and grants them knowledge in return, so that's at least one God that's on our side again.
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