Convicted Killer Freed on DNA Evidence


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A man who was convicted in 1990 of raping and murdering a high school classmate when he was 16 was freed from prison Wednesday after DNA evidence implicated another man. Jeffrey Deskovic, 33, hugged his attorney after a judge threw out the conviction, then was greeted by relatives after he was released.

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this is soooo sad, the prosecutor that had the Dna evidence back then should be investigated and so should the interrogators that COERCED the confession and he should get Severnce pay for every year he was locked up....gees from 16 years old he has been locked up and now he is 33...

Do we know what race he was? was he an African American? His last name appears to be polish? I ask because in general, African Americans are falsely accused more than the typical white male, but if this guy is white, it shows that it can happen to them as well....getting a wrong conviction...from the jury.

The prosecutor must have really been good at convincing the jury that he was guilty.... :(

The technology for accurately detecting DNA evidence such as this hasn't been available all that long, so in 1990 this poor guy was pretty much out of luck. At least his innocence was finally determined, but he's lost his entire youth and young adulthood -- how much we grow during our twenties!

It is of little solace to people in his position, but at least today we're able to use scientific means such as DNA examination to exonerate accused persons right off the bat instead of having them lose so much of their lives because of mistaken identity, or worse.
Is DNA evidence required in all cases to prove guilt ? Or is it not applicable in some cases ?
An imperfect system by and for imperfect people.
No, it isn't required for the prosecution; it isn't always available, after all. Complete DNA sequence doesn't exist in all tissues, (e.g., hair). But it can be a powerful tool for the defense if the person is not guilty, and if a complete DNA sample is available at the crime scene.