Cool wire art

Shameless plug:

My wire sculptures uses only a single wire.
Here's a favorite

LOL I made this to amuse myself. I tried to make it look like Eminem back when he was popular. I couldn't stand him so it's supposed to be a sarcastic cartoonish rapper with ridiculously baggy pants. It actually stands up by itself, but it's hanging on a wall in the picture. You can move the legs around and it looks really funny

Side story. I had the damn thing with me in my work truck so I could mess with when I took breaks(yes, the wire art was a serious OCD phase) and I finished it at work. It was done. I was grabbing some McGrub and WOW, holy freaking shit, at the drive up was some young russian girl who looked like she could have been in Vouge, and I'm really not kidding. Her accent gave her away. I decided to test if I was making artwork-- my test for art: It must be recognizable. That's it. You got know what you're looking at right away. Anything else is sub-par.--

I flashed her the rapper sculpture to see what she would say.

I say
"Do you like my latest piece?"

She looks really confused but amused and slightly annoyed along with really interested all within about 2 seconds before saying in the cutest russian voice ever
" Is Slim Shady? Is nice." with a smile, a nod, and a half wink and of course my McSnack