Cops on Power Trip: Too much salt > go to jail


JPP Modarater

UNION CITY, Ga. -- A 20-year-old McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges after a police officer complained that the burger she prepared with too much salt made him sick.

Kendra Bull was charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct and arrested at 1:30 a.m. on Friday. After a court hearing later that morning, she was released on $1,000 bond.
You'd think the policeman would be a little more grateful.

I'd take a mouthful of salt over the taste of a McDonalds burger any day of the week thank you very much.

UNION CITY, Ga. -- A 20-year-old McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges after a police officer complained that the burger she prepared with too much salt made him sick.

Kendra Bull was charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct and arrested at 1:30 a.m. on Friday. After a court hearing later that morning, she was released on $1,000 bond.

That's crazy.
Uh huh...froggie..........

This cop is on a real power trip.

Some in the fastfood as well as other industries..take their work to far..ya no for a fact that the officer over reacted...I think not a report must be submitted to the local DA for prosecution...facts must be submitted...salt can kill or maim or or just take one out of action...maybe the girl behind the counter got a ticket and was doing her best to punish the officer...just food for thought!
Some in the fastfood as well as other industries..take their work to far..ya no for a fact that the officer over reacted...I think not a report must be submitted to the local DA for prosecution...facts must be submitted...salt can kill or maim or or just take one out of action...maybe the girl behind the counter got a ticket and was doing her best to punish the officer...just food for thought!

I had a burger at McDonald's after my chemo was over. You are taking your life into your own hands eating there!