Coronavirus. Gone in 5 days!


Sort of that is. As I said in another thread, it would actually take 3 weeks. But let's say somebody worked a 40 hour work week. 8 hours a day for 5 days. And they had the weekends off. During the weekdays they do no work for 8 hours and sleep for 8 hours. And on the 6 days of weekends out of 3 weeks they do no work. So adding everything up, in total, we would be missing out on 5 days of work to get rid of the coronavirus. For all the trumptards out there who disagreed with my other thread, do you really think 5 days of doing nothing will make the U.S. implode?
Sort of that is. As I said in another thread, it would actually take 3 weeks. But let's say somebody worked a 40 hour work week. 8 hours a day for 5 days. And they had the weekends off. During the weekdays they do no work for 8 hours and sleep for 8 hours. And on the 6 days of weekends out of 3 weeks they do no work. So adding everything up, in total, we would be missing out on 5 days of work to get rid of the coronavirus. For all the trumptards out there who disagreed with my other thread, do you really think 5 days of doing nothing will make the U.S. implode?

Well ok piss stain pick 5 and shut everything down for those 5 days only. Locking things down for a fucking month is an ass fucking to the American people. You cunts don't give a shit about that you just hate trump and would kill your grandmother if you thought it would help fuck him over. Your feigned concern is underwhelming
Trumptards will never agree with any mitigation measures because their handlers have instructed them not to. They prefer death and/or lingering illness for months or years instead. It's how they show how patriotic and Murican they are. "No virus gonna boss US around!" is their rallying screech.

Trumptards will never agree with any mitigation measures because their handlers have instructed them not to. They prefer death and/or lingering illness for months or years instead. It's how they show how patriotic and Murican they are. "No virus gonna boss US around!" is their rallying screech.


Yet you're the one wearing the mask because someone told you to.

If any preference exists, it's that you and your kind get it and succumb to it.
Sort of that is. As I said in another thread, it would actually take 3 weeks. But let's say somebody worked a 40 hour work week. 8 hours a day for 5 days. And they had the weekends off. During the weekdays they do no work for 8 hours and sleep for 8 hours. And on the 6 days of weekends out of 3 weeks they do no work. So adding everything up, in total, we would be missing out on 5 days of work to get rid of the coronavirus. For all the trumptards out there who disagreed with my other thread, do you really think 5 days of doing nothing will make the U.S. implode?

I think you were born without a brain shit stain. You cannot eliminate a virus. The arguments suggesting that come from mentally challenged morons or dishonest partisan hacks with an agenda.
Trumptards will never agree with any mitigation measures because their handlers have instructed them not to. They prefer death and/or lingering illness for months or years instead. It's how they show how patriotic and Murican they are. "No virus gonna boss US around!" is their rallying screech.[/img]

It's the definition of IRONY when low IQ assholes like you think you aren't the retards.


Trumptards will never agree with any mitigation measures because their handlers have instructed them not to. They prefer death and/or lingering illness for months or years instead. It's how they show how patriotic and Murican they are. "No virus gonna boss US around!" is their rallying screech.


And your handlers having you shitting in your pants. If the "experts" told you to pick your nose and ki your grandmother you stupid cunts would do it. I love how you imagine stupidity only works in one direction. You really are that stupid aren't you?
Well ok piss stain pick 5 and shut everything down for those 5 days only. Locking things down for a fucking month is an ass fucking to the American people. You cunts don't give a shit about that you just hate trump and would kill your grandmother if you thought it would help fuck him over. Your feigned concern is underwhelming

Ah, insults. What the truly stupid resort to when their cult is challenged and they have no reply. Next, it wouldn't be for a month. It would be for 3 weeks in total. Next, it amazes me how little over 250,000 dead matters to homicidal maniacs like you. And I bet if you ever went to a hospital, you would be grateful for the doctors and nurses there. But being the backstabbing POS you seem to be, their plight right now probably means nothing to you. I have no desire to debate with such a self centered slimeball like you. Don't reply to any more of my threads.
I think you were born without a brain shit stain. You cannot eliminate a virus. The arguments suggesting that come from mentally challenged morons or dishonest partisan hacks with an agenda.

Moron. Worm. Scumbag. Lowlife. Are those enough truths about you for now? Just let me know if you need more. That aside, here is some reality for you. There are over 250,000 people who are dead in the U.S. so far because of it. Right now it is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Around 1700 people die from it each day. The numbers of those infected and dying are raising each day. Right now many hospitals are at the breaking point. Many are beyond the breaking point. And if hospitals go under you can expect the numbers of deaths to skyrocket. As things now stand, they expect around 400,000 dead by spring. And that is taking the vaccine into account.

I would call you a shit stain. But I wouldn't want to insult shit stains. You think we can't eliminate the virus? How in the fuck would you know unless we try. I know it would work because regular lock downs or shut downs put a severe dent in the numbers of those infected. So I would say that it is a certainty that my plan would work.
Sort of that is. As I said in another thread, it would actually take 3 weeks. But let's say somebody worked a 40 hour work week. 8 hours a day for 5 days. And they had the weekends off. During the weekdays they do no work for 8 hours and sleep for 8 hours. And on the 6 days of weekends out of 3 weeks they do no work. So adding everything up, in total, we would be missing out on 5 days of work to get rid of the coronavirus. For all the trumptards out there who disagreed with my other thread, do you really think 5 days of doing nothing will make the U.S. implode?

Good luck. Trumptards would literally go out to a Bus Station and lick all the toilet seats in protest if this became a mandate by a Democrat President.

I'm sorry but because of the 70 Million or so rebellious, hateful, and vindictive idiots in this nation, this virus is going to be hard to nail down.
Good luck? I'm not the one in charge. So I don't need any luck in that regard. Now as for Biden, he could probably get it done. For one thing, Trump wouldn't be around any more putting poison into people's ears. If Biden could even know of my plan and follow it, he could probably sell it to even the trumptards. That is if he wanted to. But I don't think he really does. Judging from history, I think the bottom line agenda for both republicans and democrats is the destruction of the U.S.
Yes, you are all of those but you left off the most important adjectives; you're also a worthless, lying, piece of human excrement. :thumbsup:

What I said describes YOU to a "T." Just like your lord Trump, you don't seem to think that there is a coronavirus plague going on. Tell me. How many deaths will it take to satisfy you.