Coronavirus. Worse than Ebola!


In looking up a video about president Chump calling the coronavirus a hoax, they had other parts of a news broadcast that it appeared in. They had one of Trumps trained lap dogs on the news program saying that after all, the coronavirus isn't like Ebola. Well it is true that Ebola is more deadly than the coronavirus. But what if the coronavirus was as deadly as Ebola. What does that mean? It means that right from the beginning more serious and effective steps would have been taken to contain it. What does that mean? It means that in probably a month there would have been no more coronavirus. There would be no need for a vaccine. There would be around 190,000 people alive today instead of dead. And instead of going through maybe a month of severe economic hardship, we have an ongoing economic hardship. And a death toll that will go who knows how far. And even with a vaccine, the coronavirus may never go away completely. In the past, presidents have fucked up. But president Chump has set a new standard that nobody will likely ever top.
In looking up a video about president Chump calling the coronavirus a hoax, they had other parts of a news broadcast that it appeared in. They had one of Trumps trained lap dogs on the news program saying that after all, the coronavirus isn't like Ebola. Well it is true that Ebola is more deadly than the coronavirus. But what if the coronavirus was as deadly as Ebola. What does that mean? It means that right from the beginning more serious and effective steps would have been taken to contain it. What does that mean? It means that in probably a month there would have been no more coronavirus. There would be no need for a vaccine. There would be around 190,000 people alive today instead of dead. And instead of going through maybe a month of severe economic hardship, we have an ongoing economic hardship. And a death toll that will go who knows how far. And even with a vaccine, the coronavirus may never go away completely. In the past, presidents have fucked up. But president Chump has set a new standard that nobody will likely ever top.
