APP - Could anyone have predicted this?


Former Vice President

Well, I know that I could have predicted it and probably anyone with a basic understanding of economics and the law of supply and demand as well as basic human nature.

I remember when Panera's scheme was rolled out. Leftists cheered about how this was the model and what a just society was based on. Of course when those of us who are learned in the ways of economics and human behavior pointed out that it would be an abysmal failure because they would lose money they scoffed and ridiculed.

And now 8 years later it dies away with a whimper.

There are two things to take away from this episode

1) Leftism has invaded every aspect of our society much to our detriment. That a cock eyed scheme such as this was considered in a business as large as Panera should be stunning to anyone wants a prosperous America

2) It can sometimes take years for the unintended consequences of leftism to rear its ugly head, so just because what we predict doesn't happen a week after some crazy leftist scheme is hatched doesn't mean it won't happen. It just takes time

This is a microcosm of liberalism in action always trying to defy the laws of economics, supply and demand and basic human behavior. The sad thing is they never learn. Like all failed socialist states, leftists will look at this failed attempt at collectivism and say "They just didn't do it right"