Could the Canadian be in danger next week?

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Canadian Cruz is to bring his campaign to Arkansas just days before the March 1 primary. :eek:
What's the big legal deal concerning an anchor baby being eligible for POTUS....considering the historical fact That it was not until "Martin Van Buren" (1782-1862) the very first NATURAL BORN US CITIZEN became POTUS? All previous presidents were former citizens of Great Britain. Of course legal precedent does not seem to concern the leftists on the depends on the politics of the one under attack, social status, money...etc., After all the left was shitting bricks attempting to defend the qualifications of a Muslim Anchor Baby. Where's the media outrage now? :)

Much ado about nothing. And...would it actually surprise anyone if Mr. Cruz had a terrible accident befall him in the great state of Ark., especially if it looked like he stood in the way of the Clintonian power base, if one is to be intellectually honest in considering the history actual of these political thugs? As Sir Hillary says, "What does it really matter....if a few US Citizens get killed under my watch, does it matter if it was a protest rally or a terrorist attack"? Or the weapons being used were sold to Isis by the current administration to bring about an ARAB SPRING?

The only thing that would stop such an accident is the possibility of getting the Golden Rule only applies to democrats when people are watching. This administration helped arm ISIS in the attempt to nation build and overthrow the governments opposed by they wonder how and why Isis or ISIL came to be empowered? Even with the best intentions these idiots had no plan to fill the power vacuum once Isis was successful...almost seems like a PLAN by this administration...indeed strange a Noble Prize winner for peace.....has done nothing but nation build by propagating WAR in the middle east while helping fill all the voids with the Muslim Brotherhood, funded by majority with US TAX DOLLARS and helped in the air by US AIR SUPPORT. Of course except when ISIS was over running US SUPPORT in the Benghazi Attacks...err, political protest (wink, wink)...then no US AIR SUPPORT could be found anywhere.
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