Could this be the stupidest forum lie ever?


Legion Troll
Ice Dancer said: "Yes I have numerous sources and so could you with a simple google...but if you are too busy and or retarded I can do it for you if you ask pretty please~"

Originally Posted by Ice Dancer yesterday, 10:40 AM

Here's just one Article: Food stamp fraud, waste estimated to cost $1 billion

If you really were concerned you'd do your own google and see just how wide spread waste and fraud is.


Here's one Article: Food stamp fraud, waste estimated to cost $1 billion

Here's another

If you really were concerned you'd do your own google and see just how wide spread waste and fraud is.

Last edited by Ice Dancer; yesterday at 10:45 AM.

She lied....she changed the post by adding the second link and altered the wording from "Here's just one Article" to "Here's one Article"....

and where are the rest of the "numerous sources"?

you've made this same post about 2 dozen times...oddly the board police captain onceler hasn't said a word to you about skin and obsession

:eek2: one