APP - Could this poll be the secret to a Trump victory?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

I believe it is these people who will come out and vote for Trump and are not being captured in today's polling. The numbers are astounding

Nearly 6 in 10 (58%) of staunch liberals feel they can say what they believe. However, centrist liberals feel differently. A slim majority (52%) of liberals feel they have to self‐​censor, as do 64% of moderates, and 77% of conservatives. This demonstrates that political expression is an issue that divides the Democratic coalition between centrist Democrats and their left flank.

Now how many of us know "staunch" liberals who have no issue stating their opinions wherever and whenever. We are seeing it play out daily. Why? Because there is no penalty for being a staunch liberal these days. They don't get fired for unpopular views. They don't get beat up. They don't get executed for being a Trump supporter like that poor black man. They don't have their property vandalized for having a Trump bumper sticker. So they feel safe. It is leftist privilege.

But, everyone else is worried about being fired, cancelled, beaten up or worse shot. But, they still vote. The leftists haven't managed to completely pervert that, although they are trying.

The most interesting group on this list are the liberals who feel they have to self censor. Is that because they are closet Trump supporters and know what would happen to them if they came out of the closet? I mean if the hold the same views as the "staunch" liberals, why wouldn't they feel just as safe?

I think herein lies the secret Trump voter that will come out in November.

That is my theory. We will see if it pans out.