Could you imagine if Don Jr or Eric Trump


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Could you imagine if Don Jr or Eric Trump were crack heads who got kicked out of the Navy, got a ton of shady money in Ukraine and China with no experience, and knocked up strippers? Had denied he was the kids father and said he couldn't afford child support.
been called the smartest man that trump knows
Had accepted money from a Russian billionaire with links to the Russian mob ,paid strippers to use sex toys on them, been given a 80,000 dollar from a Chinese billionaire as a bribe , and so much more .

We’d never hear the end of it. but democrats here don't want to talk about hunters adventurers they dont want to hear the truth, and say its all lies and come to his defense like the SS did to defend Hitler .

I find it all very amusing to be frank ,

And I doubt this is the last of it I doubt hunter can control himself and we know Joe will fuck up royalty , no need for lies they provide all the ammo against themselves needed all on their own yes the biter family is the gift that keeps on giving
yes democrats would hurt themselves trying to post about it , hell they even went after Barron who was 10 years old simple bastards