I admit to being quite surprised at the lack of attention here to Ann Coulter's latest Fox paw. I mean, after all, she's just given the Edwards campaign a big boost.
Ann clearly needs to RTFM. Very clearly in the Human Being Operating Manual it says to always engage brain before starting mouth.
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/03/05/BAGUHOFHC01.DTLIn a news conference afterward, Edwards talked about the scathing attack last week by author Ann Coulter, who dismissed him as a "faggot" in a speech before the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington -- whose members laughed and applauded the slur.
Edwards said Coulter's comment was "hateful, selfish, childish behavior."
"What I've learned is that if you don't have the courage to speak out against it -- no matter who says it, and no matter who it's leveled at -- then it becomes tolerable," he added. "And it's not tolerable, any more than the language I heard leveled at African Americans when I was young."
Not only did Coulter's slur appear to have fired up many of Edwards' supporters in Berkeley, it also brought out many who haven't yet settled on a candidate. Many Democrats in the crowd said that her comments, and the approval from her conservative audience, illustrated how negative the coming presidential campaign may be.
Ann clearly needs to RTFM. Very clearly in the Human Being Operating Manual it says to always engage brain before starting mouth.