Coulter helps Edwards raise campaign money


Villified User
Coulter's Words Help Edwards Raise Cash

Jun 27, 8:01 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Wednesday that conservative author Ann Coulter's attacks are hurtful as his campaign used her remarks in an appeal for money.

Edwards made his first comments to The Associated Press in response to Coulter's suggestion that she wished he would be "killed in a terrorist assassination plot." His campaign cited her remarks in two e-mails to supporters for donations, with the fundraising deadline on Saturday.

It's not the first time Coulter has given the Edwards campaign a financial boost. In March, she called Edwards a "faggot" and the campaign used video of the comment to help raise $300,000 before the end of the first quarter.

In the e-mails, the campaign asked supporters to send donations to defy her remarks and help Edwards meet his goal of raising $9 million in the second quarter. The first e-mail from campaign adviser Joe Trippi showed a clip of Coulter on ABC's "Good Morning America," where she said Monday that she wished Edwards would be killed by terrorists.
Coulter's Words Help Edwards Raise Cash

Jun 27, 8:01 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Wednesday that conservative author Ann Coulter's attacks are hurtful as his campaign used her remarks in an appeal for money.

Edwards made his first comments to The Associated Press in response to Coulter's suggestion that she wished he would be "killed in a terrorist assassination plot." His campaign cited her remarks in two e-mails to supporters for donations, with the fundraising deadline on Saturday.

It's not the first time Coulter has given the Edwards campaign a financial boost. In March, she called Edwards a "faggot" and the campaign used video of the comment to help raise $300,000 before the end of the first quarter.

In the e-mails, the campaign asked supporters to send donations to defy her remarks and help Edwards meet his goal of raising $9 million in the second quarter. The first e-mail from campaign adviser Joe Trippi showed a clip of Coulter on ABC's "Good Morning America," where she said Monday that she wished Edwards would be killed by terrorists.

Without question. She is a cash cow for him. I don't know how much it says about Edward's campaign that this is what he has to rely on to raise money but there's no question Coulter and her big mouth are benefitting him.