Countdown to Dem disapointment!

we will take the house...I find it hard to be disappointed with that. Even if we don't.... we will send a strong message that further change is on the agenda for '08.

Bush's skunk stench will permeate the republican party and it will not get any less pungent in the next two years.... he will be an anchor around republican candidates for the white house on down.
I think we'll take the house and 4 - 5 senate seats. I'm pretty sure the Dem will get into office in Jersey.
All you Republicans out there read this and Weep. The Democrats are going to take the House and the Senate. This is a House cleaning today. So go home and get out those hankies because you all are going to be needing them by tonight. Some of you will need to do laundry so you better get started early.

It's going to be a rough night. You might want to go buy a bottle if you can't handle the tough news. I wonder how many Republicans will be arrested tonight for wife-beating???
All you Republicans out there read this and Weep. The Democrats are going to take the House and the Senate. This is a House cleaning today. So go home and get out those hankies because you all are going to be needing them by tonight. Some of you will need to do laundry so you better get started early.

It's going to be a rough night. You might want to go buy a bottle if you can't handle the tough news. I wonder how many Republicans will be arrested tonight for wife-beating???

:foil: :wall: :FootMouth:
I guess bob has finally given up trying to put his thouights into words. Perhaps he lacks the ability to do so. Isn't there a word for that lack?
I am not worried about it we still have Bush and his war for a couple of more years to convince people to vote Demoncratic. This is just the beginning of the fall of the Republican party...