APP - COVID scam continues

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Don't be fooled by the spike in numbers. There is not a resurgence of COVID. What there is is a massive amount of testing using faulty tests

I have not seen any official data on all of the available WuFlu tests, but on average the false positive rate, but a good test will have a false positivity rate of 10%

We have done 48 million tests so far which means 4.8 million are deemed positive when they are indeed not positive. To be fair there are also false negatives. That is typically less than false positives

Now multiply that by the legions of "contact tracers" running around like Nazi storm troopers and wanting to force testing on everyone you came in contact with and the false positivity only increases

Stay focused on the mortality rate which is coming down.

We are more than two weeks into this so called spike and the death rate is going down and not up.