Crap... Extra innings...


New Nicotine Free Version
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If the rocks win tonight they will be three games back with a four game run with the Dodgers at home...

In 4 more games they can be number 1 in the division. Whod'a thunkit?
Helton, Tulo, and Hawp coming up... I think we'll get one of them in and end this game. 3 back from number 1 in the division and playing it right this year it isn't some weird lucky streak.
Winning run at 2nd... Come on Tulo... Bring Gonzales home... Pinch runner... Go figure...
Gonzales at 3rd... Hawp coming to the plate... Tulowitsky made a running mistake and got caught in a rundown... 1 out, winning run at 3rd...
12th inning... Gugh... I need to go to bed, but this will be on the radio too and I won't be able to sleep.
You have got to be fucking kidding! After scoring three runs in the top of the 14th the Giants give up 6 in the bottom of the inning???? WTF??? F*cking Bullsh*t!!!!
You have got to be fucking kidding! After scoring three runs in the top of the 14th the Giants give up 6 in the bottom of the inning???? WTF??? F*cking Bullsh*t!!!!
A nice Spilbourgh Grand Slam to end the game. Face it, you aren't getting the Wild Card. We might let the Dodgers have it.
A nice Spilbourgh Grand Slam to end the game. Face it, you aren't getting the Wild Card. We might let the Dodgers have it.

Since I don't know how to post images here please imagine a large pointed finger pointed your direction!
I wouldn't be able to see it anyway, I shut off images, avatars, and such while at work, some of y'all are naughty.
You have got to be fucking kidding! After scoring three runs in the top of the 14th the Giants give up 6 in the bottom of the inning???? WTF??? F*cking Bullsh*t!!!!
Hell that's been the Reds whole season. One injury after the other, one let down after the other, one collapse after the other. You'd think George W. Bush was their manager, wouldn't you? God knows he wouldn't have any trouble getting that job in Cincinnati.
Two nights in a row! Dang. I want to go to sleep but the wife listens to the radio when sleeping I either watch it or listen to it, but sleep ain't coming...

Aaaargh... Beat these Dodgers so I can go to bed!
Winning run is 90 feet from home... only 1 out in the 10th... They are loading it up to go after Tulowitzky... kinda dumb...