Crazy Lady


actually no stranger than your fixation on Bush. He and the cleaning lady seem to be on the same mental level.

This would apply to never fail to blame GW for everything...I only respond to your accusations...look in the mirror once and awhile!:rolleyes:
No need to blame GW with anything he or his movement is not responsible for.
Plenty to go around without anything else.

No need to blame GW with anything he or his movement is not responsible for.
Plenty to go around without anything else.

Like no one on this board noticed that you drag him into the threads 90% of the time no matter what the topic is...give it a rest hack!
Like no one on this board noticed that you drag him into the threads 90% of the time no matter what the topic is...give it a rest hack!

Not a chance. It is my moral oblilgation to help make America better and to remind those who have participated in it's downfall of their mistakes.

Why do you hate America ?

You must hate America to support Bush.