APP - Create some propaganda for Barack

LOL can you imagine if bush had asked people to create ads supporting the Iraq war?

Democrats ignore this stuff when their own people do it. LOL hypocrites
LOL can you imagine if bush had asked people to create ads supporting the Iraq war?

Democrats ignore this stuff when their own people do it. LOL hypocrites

Bush did, but conveniently you don't remember.

Remember when Bush had phony "news crews" in Iraq "reporting" on how much better life was since the US occupation?

Paid propaganda pieces sold to networks AS LEGITIMATE NEWS, when in truth it was straight from the Bush administration.
The problem the OBots have now is that when they make their Obama worship videos we watch them.


"Your vision is a sacred trust"

"You are the sanctuary of a sacred vision for a renewed America"
the first video made me laugh. The second one was a good campaign piece. I think the quotes you highlight are directed to the viewer-- as in, you the viewer: your vision is sacred.. you are the sanctuary of this sacred vision

I don't think it was saying Obama's vision was sacred.
...I think the quotes you highlight are directed to the viewer-- as in, you the viewer: your vision is sacred.. you are the sanctuary of this sacred vision

I don't think it was saying Obama's vision was sacred.

Either way, it's meant to be a quasi-religious experience.
LOL can you imagine if bush had asked people to create ads supporting the Iraq war?

Democrats ignore this stuff when their own people do it.

The Iraq war was as immoral as this is moral. Only a truly evil beyond that pale person opposes healthcare reform.