Creationists Should Not Be Allowed To Use Fossil Fuels


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Just sayin!​

All Christians believe in Creationism. You know, like, Genesis and stuff? I believe the term you may be looking for is, Young Earth Creationism. But I could be wrong, you're not very smart. Young Earth Creationists make up a very small portion of Christians.
All Christians believe in Creationism. You know, like, Genesis and stuff? I believe the term you may be looking for is, Young Earth Creationism. But I could be wrong, you're not very smart. Young Earth Creationists make up a very small portion of Christians.

I get what you are saying about not all christians are young earth creationists.

I do not agree which your insinuation the Politalkcer is not smart. I find this particular poster to be articulate and insightful.

Regarding your claim that only a "very small" percentage of christians are young earth creationists, I do not believe that assertion is backed up by actual data.

This recent credible poll indicates that 50 percent of Protestants and Evangelicals believe the Earth was created by God in the last ten thousand years, while that number is 37 percent among Catholics. I would not call those "very small" percentages.

Furthermore, the belief in a young earth increases with those who attend church regularly or on a weekly basis - up to 65%.
I get what you are saying about not all christians are young earth creationists.

I do not agree which your insinuation the Politalkcer is not smart. I find this particular poster to be articulate and insightful.

Regarding your claim that only a "very small" percentage of christians are young earth creationists, I do not believe that assertion is backed up by actual data.

This recent credible poll indicates that 50 percent of Protestants and Evangelicals believe the Earth was created by God in the last ten thousand years, while that number is 37 percent among Catholics. I would not call those "very small" percentages.

Furthermore, the belief in a young earth increases with those who attend church regularly or on a weekly basis - up to 65%.

He/she/it, is as dumb as a post, and a coward.

I really don't care what some rigged poll says. I've been attending different churches all of my life, and I have never seen this preached, or widely believed.
He/she/it, is as dumb as a post, and a coward.

I really don't care what some rigged poll says. I've been attending different churches all of my life, and I have never seen this preached, or widely believed.

Your personal life experience does not carry as much weight as a nation-wide poll, conducted by accepted scientific and statistical methods, by a highly reputable polling company. That is real data, which stands in stark contrast to your anecdotal and limited life experience.

You do highlight a good point though. I try to be careful to draw distinctions in Christianity.

Mainline protestants and Catholics are much more likely to accept the scientific tenets of evolution, geology, and the age of the Earth.

While on the other hand, relatively high percentages of conservative evangelicals and conservative Protestants are more likely to reject evolution and imagine that the Earth is six thousand years old.