One of the most disturbing videos about Biden I've seen.
Who cares ... ?
Yeah your right, it's it's pedophilia, and Biden is a prominent Democrat...
It's February 15th 2018, and if you still find yourself waking up thinking about Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama ... you maybe be a deranged Right Winger.
So the Rightys think Biden might run and the attacks are on. Sorry folks, that is pedophelia. Pocahantas crap is flying at Warren already too.
I'd love to see Biden run. So you agree that he's a pedo?
No, miss typed. That is absolutely not pedopohilia. Just a handsy old goat. Do you think he was having sex with them?
sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object; specifically : a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child
One of the most disturbing videos about Biden I've seen.
Most riduclous video I have seen. Biden pulls a girls hair back so it isn't in her face in the photos. Clearly that makes him a creeper.
I think that would be called a "freudian typo". So now you just agree that that he was fondling, or attempting to.
The definition of pedophile does not require the perv to be having sex with the children:
I think you are absolutely wrong again. Think you have a legal case against joe there? Do you really? Then it is more about you than Joe.
"Legal case"? What do you insist on a legal standard for Biden in a political atmosphere?
You are calling him a pedophile. that requires proof. That is something new to you, actually having to back up your blurbs.
Look at the video.
Again. Why? This is the first shot at Joe because the Repubs think he is running. I don't want him to run. They should open the to seats to new blood. But not because of that video that is translated by perverts into something they would do. It is not that way for the rest of us. Joe is very smart, he knows how to do politics and is highly qualified to be president. The opposite of Trump. But he is too damn old. The world changes and he is behind.
Joe's an idiot, king of gaffes. And a pedophile