Crime Just Doesn't Pay


Staff member

Chicago police have arrested a man who allegedly robbed a bank using a threatening note written on the back of his own pay cheque.

Police say 40-year-old Thomas Infante walked into the bank and gave a staff member a note saying, "Be Quick...Give your cash or I'll shoot".

He got $400 (£270), but left behind half of his note as he fled.

Detectives found the rest of the slip - complete with his name and home address - outside the bank's front doors.

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Chicago police have arrested a man who allegedly robbed a bank using a threatening note written on the back of his own pay cheque.

Police say 40-year-old Thomas Infante walked into the bank and gave a staff member a note saying, "Be Quick...Give your cash or I'll shoot".

He got $400 (£270), but left behind half of his note as he fled.

Detectives found the rest of the slip - complete with his name and home address - outside the bank's front doors.

More at link...

To quote John Wayne:

"Life's tough...its even tougher is you're stupid"
I know I've posted this before, but my brother loves these guys. He always says that if it weren't for the 'dumb criminals' we'd be up the creek without a paddle.

Like myself, he hasn't an inferiority complex about his intelligence, but recognizes that many of those in police work are not always the brightest lights, but they are 'lucky' in that they are light years ahead of most criminals. :clink: Though this one is dumber than most!